Glenda, are you packed and pacing the floor waiting for time to head to the airport??? Have a safe trip and a great Christmas with Heather and her family.
I fly out tomorrow and I'm so excited I wonder if I will sleep.I leave out at 2:05 pm.I will get there at 9:05pm.It will be a long day for sure. I will take lots of pictures .Ya'll be so sick of pictures.
I am thrilled for you. Oh we want to see what your doing .. I know you will love it ........ Are you going to be on line there too? b
Yes Barb I will be on line and will try to get pictures to you from there. I will get to see Treys first Christmas play he will be in at school.
Oh how sweet.................... Treys Will feel so proud to have 2 grannys in the audience. Did you fly before? Did you have your tree up yet? You wouldnt have to if you dont.. Good thinking. barb
No we want be tired of pictures. Can't wait to see them and meet your family. Take a hot bath tonight and try and relax so you can get a good nights sleep. At least you don't have an early flight so you won't have to rush around. That would get me in a tizzy You will have a long day, but you'll probably stay up all night Monday talking anyway !!! Have fun and Merry Christmas
Thanks and yes I have flown many times .I usually go to sleep I'm always so tired.I knew soon enough that I had no tree up and no decorations up.Thank everyone for all the well wishes .Would you know its pouring down rain this morning.
How was your trip? Was your flight smooth and on time? Miss you just knowing you're in a different state, instead of down the highway
Hiya Glendann....... Glendann....... Glady you safe and sound.Gees I thought the Ice may of got her ... Bet the family was thrilled to see ma ma.. barb