My ex daughter-in-law has passed away.

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Very sorry to hear you sad news Ronni....:smt089:smt089

    It happened to my sister,

    I kissed her goodbye the day before , nothing seemed to be wrong. She prepared her breakfast, lit a candle then I suppose she had a migraine and went to lie down. Her hubby found her in bed when he got in from work....breakfast untouched so we know she died in the am.

    I know the grief and sadness you will all be feeling, my God I still weep on some days and its been two years and five months. You won’t get over the loss anytime soon Ronnie.

    Sometimes there is no reason, God calls us home when our place is ready.

    My thoughts are with the children.

    R. I. P Rachel

  2. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    The girls are so lucky to have a caring family close in such horrific circumstances. Thoughts are with you and yours.
  3. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Thanks all.

    It's been a very rough time. The probate judge finally granted access into Rachel's apartment, so we spent most of the weekend sorting and cleaning and shutting it down. 90% of the stuff was donated as Candy has a full and well appointed house and just doesn't need any of the furniture. She'd already bought a set of lovely bunk beds, a new dresser, and desk and a couple of other things for the girls' rooms. Karleigh and Ella, the youngest two, are sharing a room (bunk beds) and Lorelei, the teen has her own room.

    In spite of how much was given away, there were still so many bags and boxes of things that we hauled to Candy's house to go through, run through the laundry, sort out. It was difficult for the girls, but we couldn't in good conscience just make some decisions without their input.

    Anyway, it's done. The apartment is closed down, what we brought back has been incorporated into Candy's house/the girls' rooms, and life is settling into a routine. They're all in counseling. Ella and Karleigh started their new school in Candy's of the best schools in the area so that's nice! Lorelei is continuing to go to her old school till the end of the school year, then she'll transition. She's very unhappy about that and insists she's not going to go. Unfortunately she doesn't have that choice...the transport just isn't sustainable long term. It's a 90 minute round trip, and to do that twice a day is just a very difficult task for the grandparents.

    So, life moves on. It does whether we're ready for it to or not. We're all just settling into this new normal. Thanks so much for your support.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I hope, when the time comes, that Lorelei fits into the new school and it isn't too traumatic for her. I'm sure she'll make many new friends there and still retain the ones she has now. I know it's still hard for all three girls to adjust, as it will be for Candy too, but in time they'll settle and be able to look forward once again I'm sure.


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