My first outside hellebore bloom (that hasn't frozen)

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by gfreiherr, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Palustris

    Palustris Young Pine

    Jan 10, 2006
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    They are incredibly easy to grow from fresh seed sown straight away after collecting. You do need to keep an aye on the seed pods. They open and drop their seeds very quickly. If you gently squeeze a pod and it opens and the seeds are blackish, they are ready to sow. Deep pots are best and exposure to normal winters (normal for England is lowest of -8 c.) and they germinate in Spring. Then comes the tricky part. Either move them on as soon as they are big enough to handle OR wait until September before touching them. Perhaps it is me, but I lose everyone which is pricked out later than first seed stage or when big. Pot up into deep pots, deep enough for the roots to go in without bending. Any decent compost will do. After about 6 to 8 weeks in the pot begin feeding with any good liquid fertiliser at half strength every 2 weeks. Stop as Winter approaches. Keep reasonably cool over Winter and repeat procedure over the next growing season. Remove any damaged leaves in the ratio of 1 old for one new as they grow. Cannot think of anything else at present.

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