My project & rocky soil

Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by Anonymous, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Oh I don't know Murray the garden BBQ looks fine to me - much better than a lot I've seen. :smt041 :smt041 Loved all you other piccies too. :D
  2. mbwest

    mbwest Seedling

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Maida Vale, Central London, England
    Thanks again - Got a few weed pictures for you if anyone fancies helping my identify a few..

    Edit: Images no longer exist

    my guesses are:
    Weeda = some sort of thistle that I don't want.
    Weedb = not sure.
    Weedc = is this a dandelion?
    Weedd = not sure - maybe it is still too young to tell??
    Weede = gros larger and has a sort of pink/purple lining and small flowering has grown lage in rocks and areas with poor light (will get a better pic soon).

    WeedF = This is where I really need help - these are growing all over the garden, they look like some sort of clover. They aren't a great problem as they aren't that bad looking but i'd prefer to try and get a pristine looking lawn to start with. -Any idea what it is? Suggestions?

    Eileen - Have you any pictures of your 'wild area' in your garden. It sounds great. I'd love to have a wild area but im not sure my garden is quite big enough for it. I suppose we will wait and see. - I seem to remember you having a MASSIVE garden, is that correct?
  3. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I don't know about your weeds. You do build a nice bar beque though. Want to build one for me? Dooley
  4. mbwest

    mbwest Seedling

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Maida Vale, Central London, England
    I didn't think it was that great too be honest. I kinda just started piling up bricks. They all fell over at one point so i started again with more bricks at the bottom and found that the bricks needed to overlap and interlock to be stable (this would have been pretty clear if I took a second to think about it).

    Dooley, I'm sure you would do a great job yourself ;) have you tried one yet.
    p.s. if you don't cement it you can try, try and try again!

  5. mbwest

    mbwest Seedling

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Maida Vale, Central London, England
    Hi guys/girls.

    My Garden is looking much better however I raked up all the patches yesterday and put down some more grass seed. - will get more photos soon.
    Just a few things I'd like your help and opinions on...

    To cut or not to cut.
    I have 2 apple trees in my garden and they are quite low and over-grown. They are not producing the best apples which I suspect is partly because of the growth. The only thing stopping me cutting it is I like the way the tree droops down and you have to move around it. It looks natural. Also If I do cut it the garden as a whole will get quite a bit more sun.

    Grass and Weed cuttings.
    After my first 'mowing' i have about 100ltrs+ of grass and tops of weeds and wondered what was the best thing to do with this? At the moment it is all lumped at the back of my garden in a pile. It seems a waste to put it in a plastic bag and end up in some land-fill site. - What do you guys do with your cuttings?

    Compost bins.
    I was looking for a compost bin mainly so I have somewhere to throw all my left-over bits and pieces and to possible save myself a few £ on future compost however I have seen a few sites dedicated to 'making compost' and the 'layers' you should put in. I wanted to simply use it as a 'eco-friendly bin' if you know what I mean. Would that work? (i know there are certain things you cant put in it).

    Thanks in advance ;)

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