Ah CHERYL-- "a family treasure"...I can totally understand that. Such things really can not be gotten rid of, can they. Not in good conscience at any rate. Miz BIP--I had a good chuckle over your flying-fingers story. I can just picture that whole scene. You must be a real "typing machine", miss. Chapeau.
Well, Sjoerd, Good luck with your adventures in typing!! Your wife means well doesn't she? I think I use about 6 of my fingers to type, and have developed my own style. Gets the job done, but not without mistakes. I refused to take typing until I was in college, and I was not good at it. My fingers just do not have the dexterity it requires. My pinky fingers absolutely will not cooperate! P.S. Enjoyed the video, those gals looked like they were determined!
Always enjoy your stories, so typing with the hunt and peck is working well for you whatever you say. I am really surprised you haven't talked about or discovered the fun of typing games online. There are tons of freebies out there to hone your typing skills. They always start with the homerow keys and work out. Being a mom and teacher these have been a mainstay for todays kiddos. I have even given them a try to help my limited skills. Here is just one of many freebie links out there. You might want to give it a try. Sure beats the old drill and practice I grew up with. http://www.freetypinggame.net/play.asp Our school district even uses one of the free typing sites (probably not this one) for our students to practice their skills. Bet there are some in programs with keyboards other than English, but sorry I haven't been exposed to them. Found this site with a quick Google search. Good luck on your new adventure.
Kay... this just made me burst out laughing. Not at you. But at myself. Typing I can do. All 10 fingers working independently but in unison. But...Why on earth could I never learn to play the piano???? Lots of lessons... but one hand just ends up doing the same thing as the other.. Silly fingers!
Hey there, KAY--Thanks for your note on here. So, you use six fingers....that's an interesting technique. I would like to see that in action. I could chuckle when you said that your your pinky's wouldn't co-operate. Well, I guess it's all down to what works best for you, eh? I can type quite rapidly with my two index fingers and occasionally the added help of a ring finger now and then. I just want to try and master this. I have the feeling that once things get going, it may be pleasurable and even faster...but I can see that it will take time. My bride says that I can count on a year before there is any comfort. Gad!--A year. Oh well. JEWELL--Hi. Thanks for your words, annnnd, a BIG thanks for the typing games, as well as the link. I will indeed have a look. I have just begun with typing, so I do not know if I am to a level whereby I could play any sort of game....but I will have a look. I suppose that I haven't discovered the games yet simply because it is so early in the learning process. BTW--I use the same keyboard as you do, I think. We do not have special keyboards for our language. We do not have any peculiar symbols in our language, except for the " ÿ ". This we compensate for by using the i an the j to make the "ij". I do not know if you can see the two dots over the ÿ, but they are there. Anyhow--thanks so much for your suggestion.