Hi Carolyn,..it never rains but it pours,..as if you needed this extra problem,..and that is what it is,..i know you will do your best and that's a lot,..just keep the predators away and let nature take its course.
Today I moved the other bunny out from the other side of the hutch and insulated the front of the cage with a feed sack and straw. Hopefully it will be enough. I actually am a little excited...bunnies are so stinking cute. I hope I am still thinking that in Jan/Feb. I filled a 2 liter bottle with water and put the watering top on that...yay, I was glad it fit. She drank the whole bottle.
Barb, she doesn't seem too stressed when I am out there, which I tried to limit to just getting her weatherized. I have no idea if she has ever had a litter before or not. Maybe she has had experience, I have no idea...I am letting her be the momma rabbit and I am just being the rabbit "keeper". So we will see.
Day 2: bunnies are lively and I think there are 5. I am moving the whole cage to the garage later today. It is supposed to get frigid in the next few days. I saw the temp for next tuesday night is to be 8f.
I agree with you. Bunnies are sooo cute. Good luck with your bunny keeping job. I'm looking forward to more photos of them.
Well, at the end of day 2 there are still a whole nest of viable bunnies and they are all snug in the garage for the next few months. Hopefully I will be able to do at least one daily picture just to see the difference from day to day, but I am sure I will miss a few days.
Sorry for being a bit late. Great pics I love bunnies. We always have a nest with young ones. Ever since I was little dad told me not to touch them when too young... or mom won't take care of them anymore. Not sure it's a myth to keep me away from them. Mom knows what's best for them... we never do anything special for them. Can't wait for pics when they are a bit older
Cheryl, I have never had bunnies before....so, somebunny is excited, but I really don't need more bunnies. Cal, All I read says to not touch the babies as the mother may abandon them due to the smell. No idea, but your dad is probably right, so I am doing my best to let nature take its course.
Well done Carolyn,..Christmas will seem somewhat like Easter with all those Bunnies ,..those bunnies seem to have captivated you and i bet your Daughter is also keeping an eye on them,..they will grow pretty quickly so start thinking of suitable homes for them,..hard to believe you have turned into a big softie
Philip...never say! I really do have a soft heart for the animals, but I try to keep my distance. It is so hard to let them go when the time comes. I think it is a self defense mechanism. I don't think caity is as excited about them yet. right now they kind of remind me of little hippo's. They have really broad snouts ...just like a hippo. They really aren't cute yet. I have a pic. and will post it soon. I just can't do it from this computer.
Hi Carolyn,..i know exactly what you mean,..its so very hard to part with them what ever way they go and if you live in a farming community its a big mistake to get close to something that will pass through,..however careful we are one day something looks you in the eye and enchants you ,..sooo the wee bunnies look like baby Hippo's ,..or baby mice? :twisted: