We keep going back and walking about and measuring areas and coming back here and talking about it and going back to measure it a different way. I keep trying to decide what I want in a vegetable garden and wondering how much space I want to begin and if it will be too late for some things after we get moved. I am going to start some trees from little shoots by the crepe myrtle and tulip tree. Maybe start some shoots from the flowering quince. At the end of the house where the little dozer is attached we want to build a terraced bed. When it was leveled that end is higher so we can build a raised bed in two levels for flowers. We also want to get a couple of trees and plant them in where Chance will be so she has some shade. I will look next time we go to the store. I know they have bare root stuff and some trees in pots right now. Today was a really nice day. What did I do? I sorted out all the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. Inside work on a nice day! But it was wet outside because it rained all morning and the nice day didn't start until after I had things pulled out. We did open the windows and let the nice air inside. dooley
Looks like a great location. Sooooo much space for gardens of all sorts and a nice big fenced area for Chance.
Maybe I will take a picture of it covered with that snow and it won't look like so much work. Nice and white and flat. dooley