Oh my what a mess I'm making!

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Droopy, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    annapolis md
    Ooh, sorry I'm jumping in late, but this is very interesting! We don't have anything like these bricks here, that I know of. I like the look of them. How long will they last in the weather and do you use something to stick them together -- pins, or some sort of mortar (for lack of a better word). What a great project!
  2. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    You know what they say, db, the late bloomer is often the most beautiful one. :D

    The moss bricks will last for several years as long as we're not walking on them a lot. They're secured with thin metal rods that will rust away in a few years' time. Most people use bamboo for sticking them together, but my husband's got unlimited access to those hollow metal rods so we're using them.

    Once the sphagnum moss gets wet through they will be very heavy and sturdy. When they start to give, whenever that may be, I guess we'll have to make new walls one way or another. Perhaps Leca bricks will do the trick. :D

    I'm off outside to finish the tall border and start on the second one that will only be one brick tall. I'm so looking forward to being done. Fortunately the weather's been rather nice so I've been able to work on it a bit every day.
  3. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    It will be neat to see how it all turns out, Droopy! What an interesting thing to watch develop.

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