OK,, Today was a dreary wet day so its time to experiment !

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by mart, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    But you have to agree MG,, its easier than in the NE states ! I am having my fried green tomatoes tonight with smothered pork chops ! Have one more batch of Caddo relish to make and going to put a little hot pepper in these ! I still have mustard greens and need to re-seed another box and try one with spinach,,already have lettuce growing ! I am going to put a couple of seed potatoes in the larger pots just to see how they do ! What has amazed me is the amount of tomatoes these made growing in a couple of small pots in this cool weather ! Like I said I always plant my tomatoes where the branches lap over each other and that makes for excellent pollination ! Took a little care and almost daily watering but next year I will use compost or topsoil with the potting soil for better water retention ! Can get both at our little garden center and its cheap !
    marlingardener likes this.
  2. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    I somehow irrationally think i must speak up for the NE states! I love living here....even though the snow is challenging. It's a time to take a break from gardening. To continue adding to the compost pile, to mulch treasured plants in for the winter, to wait until the bears hibernate then put up the bird feeders. To read the late winter seed catalogs and anticipate the spring gardening.

    To watch the birds come in DROVES for seed before a snow storm is due (how do they know this?).
    To watch the leaves of the rhododendrons curl tightly as cigars on very cold days only to unfurl on slightly warmer days.
    To see the tracks of all kinds of animals in the newly fallen snow and try to guess what made them.
    To try out our newly purchased microspikes for hiking in the mountains (They actually work!)

    I could go on but I realize I am getting obsessive.
    I guess i believe that the trick of being happy with ones life is to appreciate where one lives and enjoy it in all its seasons.
    Sjoerd and marlingardener like this.
  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Cayuga, when we lived in upstate NY there was much I appreciated (not snow, though).
    I guess i believe that the trick of being happy with ones life is to appreciate where one lives and enjoy it in all its seasons.

    Truer words were never written.
    Sjoerd and Cayuga Morning like this.

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