Organic shopping & Cooking

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by Uncle Jabba, Jun 19, 2007.


I shop and cook organically...

  1. Always 95 -100%

    0 vote(s)
  2. Almost always 80 - 94%

    0 vote(s)
  3. Most of the time 51 - 79%

    0 vote(s)
  4. Some of the time 30 - 50%

    0 vote(s)
  5. seldom to never 0 - 29%

    0 vote(s)
  1. coryg

    coryg New Seed

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Las Cruces, NM, USA
    Why are organic foods so expensive if you are not having to by all the chemicals and what not? Is it the time and labor invested in growing organic food? Just wanting to know the reason for the expense. My daughter is into organic stuff. I just cant stomach the prices!
  2. arv

    arv Seedling

    Apr 29, 2007
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    Why is organic expensive

    Organic agriculture is quite different from modern mechanized agriculture . It is very human intensive , anybody growing organically can tell you that . I am sure there are lots of people here that get rid of garden pests by physically picking them out . Whereas conventional mechanized production would just go and spray the whole field with toxins irrespective of an infestation or not .
    Conventional agriculture relies on a lot of chemical additives ( fertilizers ) to boost production , its like sports people getting testosterone to boost muscle development . Organic agriculture relies on compost , manure etc which is not as potent as chemical additives .
    Crops are genetically engineered so that the production is much higher , of course no one wuite knows whether GE food id good for you .
    There are quite a few other reasons but one of the most important reasons is that conventional agriculture has pushed organic food to the periphery . Supermarkets , groceries rely on conventional agriculture to deliver watermelons and cucumbers in the middle of winter , like everything else conventional agriculture is a safer bet for everybody to invest in , including governments that dole out huge subsidies to mechanised agriculture and the price of food has been driven 'down' very very unnaturally . Now this might raise a few hackles but the problem is not that organic food is too expensive , the problem is that the industrial mush that we are fed as food is much too cheap .Like everything about contemporary consumer society it inculcates bad habits and attitude towards food as well , we buy in bulk , we consume in bulk and then we throw in bulk . If we were to get good quality food at a higher price we would be more careful with how we consume .

    Sorry about this very haphazard rant .
  3. muddybob

    muddybob In Flower

    Jul 17, 2006
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    WA st.
    You know, I think everything should be in moderation. If we strictly relied on organic methods the world over food production would be greatly reduced. The green revolution changed agriculture in a good way for impoverished nations and it was brought about by chemical fertilizers. Moderation. That is the key and it is so difficult for most to grasp. It does not have to be "all or nothing."

  4. Uncle Jabba

    Uncle Jabba New Seed

    Jan 16, 2007
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    North Carolina
    Hola Y'all:
    Sorry it has been so long since I began this thread and commented back on it.

    Here is one reason that I feel that Organic foods are better.

    Think back to when the population of the U.S. began to get fatter and sicker and then go back 20 years or so. This puts us in the 1940's to 1950's. This was the beginning of the big boom of the chemical age and the beginnings of really industrialized corporate farming. We also discovered the wonders of the convenience of things like TV dinners, artificial flavors and colors, chemical preservatives and packaged foods of all sorts. Before this time things were pretty much organic and meals consisted of whole foods, not processed. Then throw on the crazy food pyramid, people reduced the fruit and veggie content and ate more carbs. The carbs turned to sugar and our butts and bellies turned to fat.

    That's probably enough from me for now. What are the thoughts and comments of my fellow GardenStewers?


    Uncle Jabba

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Organic is the way!

    Hi Uncle Jabba,

    I was THRILLED to run across this post because I truly believe in eating more wholesome foods, which for myself means incorporating organic foods and paying more close attention to ingredients. I too am concerned with the cost associated with choosing such a lifestyle, and I wanted to know what stores have the best prices on the foods I should be eating?
  6. Uncle Jabba

    Uncle Jabba New Seed

    Jan 16, 2007
    Likes Received:
    North Carolina
    OK a long time ago I said I would post a whole list of reasons why organics are better. Here is number one from a list I found on the website I will follow up later with more items from the list. Sorry these are not all in my own words but these people are smarter on the topic then me.

  7. nan1234

    nan1234 Seedling

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Chicago Area
    We buy organic stuff selectively. Some vegetables are natually pest and desease resistent and no chemicals are needed (e.g. swiss chard). We will not buy non-organic produce that heavily depends on chemicals to grow.

    The following produce items have the highest pesticide residue: strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, cherries (especially grown in the United States), peaches, cantaloupe, celery, apples, apricots, green beans, grapes, and cucumbers.

    Fortunately, we can grow all of them in our own garden. We did not buy any vegetables and fruits during the productive season this year - they all come from our own garden. This is a good thing to start your own edible garden.
  8. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    I guess i'm pretty lucky when it comes to organic or not. Here on the island most everything is organic even the cows an sheep meat that is raised here. The veggies are mostly grown by local farmers an being an island you pretty much know what they are growing an how. The fish is sold right from the ocean or caught ourselves, so you can't get anymore organic than that. as far as milk goes we have a choice here to by organic or homogenized, or i can go down the road to the next farm an ask for fresh as soon as the next milking takes place, which is 2 times a day. so i would say i am mostly organic,, but since this is the artic,, we don't have all the different choices of fruits available here, unless they are imported in. then most of the time its too expensive an no one buys it.
  9. trudy

    trudy In Flower

    Jan 14, 2008
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    South Georgia, left at nowhere
    I try to cook out of the freezer or things canned outta the garden. But when I do have to purchase depending on what it is I go for the sale items usually. I am seeing more organic items in our stores down here but the choices are still limited an pricey. Folks still gotta eat regardless. It usually always comes down to the Almighty Dollar, affordablility IMO. The one thing everyone has to do is eat.
  10. Uncle Jabba

    Uncle Jabba New Seed

    Jan 16, 2007
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    North Carolina
    Its been a long time since I have posted on this item but here is some more fuel for the Organic or not Organic debate.

    Dear Friends, the biggest ($23 million, 4-year) study into organic food has found that it is more nutritious (e.g. 40% more antioxidants) than ordinary produce and may help to lengthen people's lives. Doesn't that make you hungry for more sweet potatoes and turnips?! For more info, visit ... 753446.ece

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