Took the photos of the bean flowers today and there were much more than I expected. From the shorties ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) These are from the bush beans and they were just buds yesterday. Climbers ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) Today there are two flower buds on the climbers. :-D I hope there will be beans on the table soon!!
Congrats KK!--Your bean blossoms look so good and healthy. I hope that you can keep the slugs and snails off of them. You must be very excited.
Yes I am indeed!!! :-D , counting the number of flowers daily and hunting snails at night! ..... errr, I hope I am not counting the chickens before they are hatched!!!
No, of course you aren't. Just keep vigil with those darned slugs...they could ruin your dreams. I am excited for you. Fingers crossed there that all will go according to your plans.
Today while weeding around the beans, I found 2 young beans on one of the shorty bush bean plants. First 2 beans ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) Sorry the pic is blurr, the two long green thingie with ends are the beans I hope it is not as usual, only 2 or 3 beans per plant which is what I used to get. Climbers flowers ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) I am keeping my fingers crossed real tight including my toes because there is hope from the regular climbing beans. There are lots of flowers which I had never seen before on a vine ....... but no beans yet :-? Bean Patch ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) This is how the bean plants are like now, no more snails and I am still checking every night!!
It's all looking really good, KK. Those beans have grown well above your poles. If you had more bean plants I would suggest that you cut those vine stiking out about the poles off and let ther plant produce more side shoots and flowers, but you only have a couple and I do know this type of bean plant specifically. You could just clip off one to see if that would give you more beans... Anyways--all looks well there, doesn't it. I sure would stay vigilent where the slugs are concerned.
Thanks for the tip Sojerd, I will do that tomorrow. I was just wandering what to do with it? For my luffa and bitter gourd I always cut of the tip of the main vine.
There are now five beans growing on the bush beans altogether on the plant that is already bearing fruits. The other bush bean ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) The other bush beans now have lots of flowers but no beans yet. Beanie?? ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) Is this a bean? If it is then it is the first bean from the climbers. Both of the vines are now blooming. Am I getting there?!?! Fingers and toes are still crossed!!!
That looks like a bean from here In a week or certainly two you will know for sure. This just keeps getting more excitingby the day, doesn't it.
Yes it is a bean indeed because it is a bit bigger today and it sure do look like a bean. I am also getting very anxious by the day ........
Bush bean ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) The Beans from the bush bean plant is growing well, however the other bush bean plant still have not got any beans yet. I was quite tempted to eat this one raw ...... err can it be eaten fresh from the plant? From the vines. ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) These are from the climbers and both are doing well with lots of flowers followed by the formation of the beans. I would be grateful if I can enough for a meal on the table :!: :-D Still keeping my fingers crossed.
Your beans are looking great! About the bush beans--after they set beans and start to slow down, I cut the plant back by about half, and they usually (depending on how hot it gets) set another bunch of blossoms and I get a second crop from the plants. I envy you your pole beans--I keep trying to grow them and keep failing. I think I'll give up and just plant more bush beans! Beans can be eaten raw, and never, never should be over-cooked. They still need to have a bit of "snap" to them!
Well KK, those bean plants are doing quite well, aren't they. They just keep doing better and better. I hope that you get enough for at least one meal, but from the way it looks, I can imagine that you would get more than that. Don't get lax with those slugs now.
Marlingardener thanks, I will do just that after I finish harvesting the first lot. I managed to get 5 beans from the bush and one went into my tummy it is sweet and crunch but sweet corn is so much better. Don't give up on the pole beans, as long as you have the space just keep on trying!! Thanks Sojerd, I am still making nightly trips to check on those slugs and to enjoy the blooming fragrance of the luffa. Today I checked the other bush bean and there are tiny beans forming too!!! Yahooo!! I guess getting enough for the table is becoming a reality soon.
Don't cut back your beans after the first picking! I didn't explain very well. The bean plants will produce heavily, and then begin to taper off. When you are finding only a few beans, that's the time to cut the plants back. Wow, I was almost responsible for bean murder!