Please help me save my garden!

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Ronni, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    So the Bradford tree removal was delayed once again, but we finally got a firm date. They're coming tomorrow. I've had a very busy three weeks so the delays were actually welcome, as I hadn't had a moment to relocate the hostas and a couple other plants that I wanted to set aside before they came.

    This is what the garden looked like this morning, right before I finally got to the removal. You can see that some of the hostas have already died back, and the daylily is turning brown. The creeping jenny stopped growing a while back, and the other plants towards the front are annuals that won't survive the winter anyway.

    On the advice of the arborist, I paid the most attention to the plants I wanted to save that were in front of, and very close to the tree, which really were just the hostas. The other plants are annuals except for the creeping jenny, but I've learned how incredibly quickly it grows and how easy it is to propagate, and as I have several more patches of it, I'm just not too worried about saving the patch in front of the tree. I did move the daylily just in case.



    They're all by the side of the house, covered with a light layer of mulch. On your advice, they're exposed to the weather and rain, just sitting out there, hopefully hunkered down and hibernating for the winter! :stew2:

    It's going to be very strange to see my house without that tree in front. :( I'm already looking forward to the spring and summer, when the crepe myrtle that's been overshadowed by the tree gets better exposure and is able to grow and bloom to its fullest!
  2. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Finger crossed that everything goes smoothly with the tree removal so you can your plants back in their home.

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