Very pretty Ronni. Where that ugly plant is I would use one of the upright juniper or cedar type trees. It needs something tall to balance your garden. I think there are smaller compact varieties that don`t get super huge.
So the front garden area is finished! I still have to replace the bricks round the tree in front with stone, and also the two very small semi circular garden plots on either side of the garage. But I'm really liking the way it's looking! You can see one of the small plots I was talking about off to the right in this picture. Over the weekend I'm going to take my little cart up the hill and gather some small stones for those small plots. They're just too small to use the really big stone pieces I think. It's coming together, huh? Oh, and the bright spots of green in between the boxwoods? Creeping jenny. Paige noticed it in the neighbor's yard and commented on how lovely the color was. I had it in my other garden, and though it spreads swiftly, it's also very easily controllable, (unlike vinca or ivy!!!) so I think it will look pretty as a neon green carpet between the boxwoods.