saga of April's trailer

Discussion in 'Home Improvement, DIY and Repair' started by aprilconnett, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. aprilconnett

    aprilconnett Seedling

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Winston_Salem, NC
    Sorry I haven't been on in a while. A friend has a place at the beach for three weeks and we couldn't hurt her feelings by turning down a FREE visit. ;)

    I'm afraid it is not all over. As I said, there is still a LOT to do. We are pretty basic right now. The kitchen consists of a toaster oven, microwave(borrowed) and a hot plate (only one setting). I actually am having to wash the dishes in the bathroom sink. :D

    The garden is not going as well as hoped, but what can I do? I've got to till, but we can't afford to rent a tiller and our friend who has one is hard to get ahold of. He works a LOT. And they are odd hours. We have maybe a third of the area tilled that needs it, but the menfolk didn't till where the plants need to go in immediately. I'm afraid I will have to change my garden plan. It probably won't matter anyway since I wasn't able to start most of the plants I wanted. Oh, well. As Robbie Burns put it, " the best laid plans . . ."

    Thanks to everyone for the friendship and the support. I will keep you guys updated as we actually get some work done around here.
  2. aprilconnett

    aprilconnett Seedling

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Winston_Salem, NC
    WOOHOO!!!! We have a kitchen sink! YIPPEEE!!!

    We balso have a friend who loaned us another AC. That brings us up to three in the house. One in the kitchen, one in the living room, and one in the bedroom. Amazingly, the third one made all the difference in the world! Especially at 107 degrees outside.
  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Great news April. We all take our water supplies for granted but it's not until we have to do without one that we realise just how essential they are in a kitchen. I'm pleased to hear you got the loan of another AC unit as it's not pleasant trying to sleep when you're waaay to hot is it?

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