Teo. When and where do you find TIME and SPACE? Your thread looks more and more like a small botanical guide. I check it to see what other cool plants I am missing! Very nice! I love that Paliavana - looks like my Lady slipper gloxinia - only in the shape of a shrub!
chery and Calin thank you very much :-D Calin As now I rented a big house which has three balconies and big steps,there I had all my plants and some inside home. Many plants were squashed. last spring the steps last summer last autumn the steps inside steps early winter some days ago I decided to move to another house which is cheaper than this[because in Greece we have debt crisis] :-? The new house has a lot of space for my plants and it has a small garden ,I am happy for garden. now I transport my plants and my house things the last home today without plants and a new house and all plants around of my new home squashed Calin I like very very much the plants ,I spend my free time to my plants.. :-D :-D :-D Calin I first time grow Paliavana ,,if they grow without problems,,I will send you :-D you have a beautiful gloxinia :-D
Wow! Your old house looks "naked" with no plants! I like the look of your new house very much. You still must have a lot of space. I would have to quit my job to stay home and take care of so many plants.
Theo,Both your houses are beautiful.You will get your plants arranged soon. It just takes time & you are busy just watering.It must have been a huge job moving all those plants. Do you have a space where you can plant some in the ground.? You have so many plants I'm not familiar with.They seem exotic to me but are at home in your Mediterranean climate.Very,very interesting. You certainly have a knack for growing from seeds. Doris
Wow. Love the pictures. Were you also using the stairs for going up and down.. or just for the flower pots ??? I am sure if you ever decide to sell your plants, you'll be able to BUY a house not just RENT it
Thanks very much Chery yes my old house is naked with no plants :-D Thanks very much Doris it takes me every day two hours to water the plants in the summer :-D and in the winter I need to protect many of exotic plants :-D Thanks very much Calin I left little space to the stairs for going up and down :-D :-D yes I buy a house and new seedling Vriesea procera or Tillandsia viscidula [Bromeliaceae] germinate after 18 days ,inside home. Halleria lucida [Scrophulariaceae] common name{Tree Fuchsia , umBinza or Notsung} germinate after 13 days ,inside home. Leptosema chambersii [Fabaceae] common name{Upside-down Plant} the seeds soak 5 hours in the water,and germinate after 10 days ,inside home.
Calin :-D :-D new today Columnea sanguinea [Gesneriaceae] germinate after 13 days ,inside home. Ipomopsis rubra [Polemoniaceae] common name{standing cypress} germinate after 62 days,[two month] ,out of home. Centropogon cornutus [Campanulaceae] germinate after 23 days ,inside home.
one years and six month ago I grow Philodendron martianum from seeds [Araceae] family common name{flask philodendron", "Von Martius' philodendron} germinate after 12 days ,inside home. today after one year Philodendron martianum and six month old Philodendron martianum
new Helenium autumnale [Asteraceae] common name{ sneezeweed and large-flowered sneezeweed} germinate after 11 days ,inside home.
I like very much Aristolochias flower,common name{birthworts , pipevines or Dutchman's Pipe}. I have plants Aristolochia chilensis,A. gigantea,A. littoralis,A.trilobata,A fimbriata... all from seeds this year I grow seeds from three new species Aristolochias one of them germinate is Aristolochia triangularis [Aristolochiaceae] the seeds soak 5 hours in the water,and germinate after 18 days ,inside home.
today new Sinningia striata [Gesneriaceae} germinate after 12 days ,inside home. Microloma sagittatum [Apocynaceae] common name{wax creeper and melktou,wax twiner and bokhorinkies,antelope-horns}. germinate after 13 days ,inside home.
new :-D Paederia foetida [Rubiaceae} common name{Skunkvine, Stinkvine, ή κινÎζικα ΑμπÎλου πυÏ?ετός.} germinate after 21 days ,inside home Sinningia aghensis [Gesneriaceae] germinate after 13 days ,inside home
yes Calin I am very busy :-D :-D and you are very busy :-D :-D two years ago I bought Tillandsia butzii one year ago the bloom and one month ago I collected the seeds ,and I sowed. today after 12 days the seeds from Tillandsia butzii germinate inside home. also today germinate Geum magellanicum [Rosaceae] common name{Patagonian Aven} after 28 days ,inside home