Theodoros... if I had nothing else to do all day... all week... all year... I still do not think I could even come close to what you do. I am truly impressed not only with your seeds and seedlings, but with how you keep records of each and every one.
Cheryl thank you very very very much for your good words :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D today new seedling Passiflora mollissima [Passifloraceae] common name{Tacso, Banana passionfruit, Curuba.} the seeds soak 15 hour in the FRESH ORANGE JUICE,and germinate after 18 days ,inside home. and last year I had seedling Passiflora mollissima,but failed to grow :-? I hope I'm lucky this year :-D Mimulus pictus [Phrymaceae] common name{calico monkeyflower} germinate after 4 days ,inside home.
new Mussaenda erythrophylla [Rubiaceae] Common Name: Ashanti Blood, Red Flag Bush, Red Mussaenda, Prophet's Tears, Tropical Dogwood, Virgin Tree} germinate after 14 days ,inside home Vigna caracalla [Fabaceae] common name{corkscrew vine , snail vine , snail creeper , or snail bean . the seeds soak 15 hour in the water,and germinate after 20 days ,inside home Schizanthus grahamii [Solanaceae] common name{Butterfly Flower} germinate after 22 days ,inside home
today Passiflora subpeltata [Passifloraceae] common name{ White passion flower} the seeds soak 15 hour in the fresh orange juice,and germinate after 24 days ,inside home.
today three new seedling Tithonia rotundifolia [Asteraceae] common name{Mexican sunflower} germinate after 4 days ,inside home Lotus formosissimus [Fabaceae] common name{seaside bird's-foot trefoil} germinate after 66 days ,inside home Hibiscus praeteritus [ Malvaceae] common name{Red Hibiscus} germinate after 16 days ,inside home
I was delighted today sprouted a seed planted in September,after seven months :-D did not throw the seeds fortunately :-D is a Aristolochia clematitis [Aristolochiaceae] common name{birthwort}
Cheryl the word soaking seeds with orange juice because the juice contains acid and other substances,that help to germinate the seed Passiflora which the fast but would do great harm if soaking the seeds with lemon juice :-D :-D :-D :-D
Cheryl I have not tested on other seeds but I will do harm other seeds :-| :-| today Ipomoea cordatotriloba [Convolvulaceae] common name{ little violet morning glory} germinate after 27 days ,inside home Hibiscus radiatus [ Malvaceae] common name{Monarch Rosemallow, October Rose, Ruby Hibiscus} germinate after 4 days ,inside home Proboscidea parviflora [Martyniaceae] common name{doubleclaw and red devil's-claw} the seeds soak 6 hour in the water,and germinate after 28 days ,inside home
these days germinate Zea mays 'Variegata'και Zea mays 'quadricolor' Every year I plant, have beautiful leaves and colorful fruits [Poaceae] common name{sweetcorn} germinate after 6 days ,out of home Moluccella laevis [Lamiaceae] common name{Bells-of-Ireland , Bells of Ireland , Molucca balmis , Shellflower , Shell flower ) germinate after 30 days ,inside home Nolana paradoxa [Solanaceae] common name(Chilean bellflower) germinate after 7 days ,out of home Newbiscus the seeds soak 24 hour in the water,and germinate after 70 days ,inside home Dendromecon rigida [Papaveraceae] common name{bush poppy or tree poppy,} the seeds soak 5 hour in the water,and germinate after 72 days ,inside home Proboscidea louisianica the seeds soak 6 hour in the water,and germinate after 31 days ,inside home Leonurus cardiaca [Lamiaceae] common name{Throw-wort , Lion's Ear , and Lion's Tail } germinate after 72 days ,inside homev and expect to grow even a hundred seedlings :-D
in March I planted seeds from the plant [Trichosanthes kirilowii]who do not sprouted I planted again in April [sprouted]after 34 days ,out of home [Cucurbitaceae] Common names: Snakegourd, Chinese Cucumber, Karo, To-Karasu-Uri, Kua Lou} Passiflora edulis 'Passion dream' [Passifloraceae] Common name: Yellow passion fruit, Purple Granadilla} the seeds soak 15 hour in the fresh orange juice,and germinate after 31 days ,inside home.
today Cleome hassleriana [Cleomaceae] common name{spider flower or spider plant } germinate after 41 days ,Outside the home. last year I planted seeds from Billardiera heterophylla (formerly Sollya heterophylla ) sprouted and grown enough but plants ruined the winter.Again this year I decided to try......... [Pittosporaceae] common name{bluebell creeper} germinate after 35 days ,Outside the home. last year I planted seeds from annual plant [Chirita micromusa]family [Gesneriaceae] I grew up with the very difficult,the plant bloomed in September,A few later I collected seeds,and replant them this year germinate after 41 days ,Outside the home. last year's photo [Chirita micromusa] and seedling Bassia scoparia (synonym Kochia scoparia ) [Amaranthaceae] common name{burningbush,ragweed , summer cypress ,fireball , belvedere and Mexican firebrush} germinate after 33 days ,Outside the home.