Wow nice! That Chirita is really annual??? Bluebell creeper looks really cool in the pics I saw on google. Are you still sowing seeds or you stopped? Let me know when you think we can have a small trade !!!
thank you very much Calin :-D :-D yes the Chirita is really annual I do not stop with planting seeds because many seeds planted months ago are not sprouted,now I'll plant them again :-D Write me a Private Messages ,What my plants would you like and I'll send :-D :-D sprouted yesterday Wercklea ferox [Malvaceae] common name{Hibiscus ferox} germinate after 32 days ,Outside the home Hibiscus tiliaceus [Malvaceae] common name{ Sea Hibiscus, Beach Hibiscus, Coastal (or Coast) Hibiscus, Coastal (or Coast) Cottonwood, Green Cottonwood, Native Hibiscus, Native Rosella, Cottonwood Hibiscus, Kurrajong, Sea Rosemallow, Norfolk Hibiscus, Hau (Hawaiian), and Purau (Tahitian)} the seeds soak 24 hour in the water,and germinate after 79 days ,inside home. Drosera capensis [Droseraceae] common name{Cape sundew} and last year I planted seeds from the plants Drosera but after a month marred,and I thought to try again.... germinate after 44 days ,inside home. :-D
yesterday and today germinate Vitex agnus-castus [Lamiaceae] common name{Chaste Tree , Chasteberry , Abraham's Balm,Monk's Pepper} germinate after 49 days ,Outside the home Sarracenia [Sarraceniaceae} common name{trumpet pitcher plant} germinate after 48 days ,Outside the home Aristolochia tomentosa [Aristolochiaceae] Common Name, {Dutchman's Pipe} the seeds soak 5 hour in the water,and germinate after 92 days , two months in the house and the rest of the time outside home. Ibicella lutea [Martyniaceae] common name{devil's claw ,unicorn plant , martynia , proboscis flower , and ram's horn .} the seeds soak 6 hour in the water,and germinate after 49 days Outside the home
even two species Rogeria adenophylla [Pedaliaceae] common name{Desert Foxglove} germinate after 48 days ,Outside the home Ipomoea carnea Convolvulaceae] common name{ pink morning glory} The seeds must be abraded ( scratched )and germinate after 9 days ,Outside the home
Cool desert foxglove. But disappointing, too. First pic with a bloom close-up made me go "wow" but then seeing pics of the whole plant... I have to say "too small a bloom for such a big plant".
desert foxglove small flower? Calin I thought that was large enough :-? :-? is perennial? in your own lives? I planted seeds in April from the plant[[ Tipuana tipu ]]not sprout, I planted again before 13 days, the seeds sprouted today [Fabaceae] Common name: Tipu Tree, Rosewood, Pride of Bolivia, Yellow Jacaranda
Hehehe, Just look! ... erade.html The pic with whole plant is showing the real size of the blooms (compared with the plant). I consider them "SMALL"!
I saw Kalin, thank you for the information :-D days ago I wrote about plants Bauhinias,and that this year I planted seeds from [Bauhinia madagascariensis],grew today after 10 days Outside the home . I had planted from this two other times but not sprouted seeds [Fabaceae] most common type of plant that I planted seeds several times, finally sprouted a seed Jatropha multifida [Euphorbiaceae] Common Names: coral plant, physic nut, Guatemala rhubarb germinate after 16 days ,Outside the home
Passiflora suberosa [Passifloraceae] It is commonly known as Corky-stemmed Passion Flower germinate after 28 days ,Outside the home Schizanthus pinnatus [Solanaceae] germinate after 3 days ,Outside the home Codariocalyx motorius [Fabaceae] known as the telegraph plant or semaphore plant and dancing tree the seeds soak 3 hour in the water, germinate after 20 days ,Outside the home
new Asclepias physocarpa [Apocynaceae] (also known as Gomphocarpus physocarpus , commonly balloonplant , balloon cotton-bush or swan plant ) germinate after 4 days ,Outside the home
Sorry Droopy to not answer you when I wrote the commentary :-? Thank you very much for your good words :-D even sprout seeds Passiflora coriacea [ Passifloraceae] Common name, Bat leaf passion flower the seeds soak 15 hour in the fresh orange juice,and germinate after 60 days ,Outside the home Passiflora foetida [ Passifloraceae] (Common Names: wild maracuja, santo papa, marya-marya, wild water lemon, stinking passionflower, love-in-a-mist or running pop) the seeds soak 15 hour in the fresh orange juice,and germinate after 28 days ,Outside the home
sprouted and others seeds Cobaea scandens [Polemoniaceae] common names of Cup and Saucer Vine and Cathedral Bells. germinate after 15 days ,Outside the home Passiflora matthewsii [Passifloraceae] the seeds soak 24 hour in the fresh orange juice,and germinate after 17 days ,Outside the home
and a seedling [Aristolochia gorgona x grandiflora] to plant seeds in the spring ,, after soaking the seeds 24 hours in water,, waited almost too long to germinate.....
It's time for new sowing, continues with new information and only with new species of plants, seeds,, Of course I will plant and many old species, but since there is information in Section I will not be write the same again .. Do not forget to say a big thank you to everyone who exchanged seeds today Acca sellowiana Family: Myrtaceae Also Known As: Feijoa, Pineapple Guava, Guavasteen . germinate after 25 days ,inside the home.