Serve yourself options at grocery stores

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by marlingardener, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I bought 2 turkeys because the price was right. .49 cents lb. with $25.00 purchase. That did not take long, yeast flour, sugar, eggs and a couple spices and I was over the $25. They fit nicely in my new freezer. Daughter is cooking her own 22 lb. turkey.
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Cal, I think S-H completely fit it nicely in a nut shell...hygiene. We seem to have become a culture of extremes...either a germaphobe OR a complete slob with no care or respect for others welfare. Me, I am not a germaphobe nor do I sample my way through the store (with no thought to paying for what I consumed) where, especially at this time of the year, people have coughs and snotty noses and still touch everything that their eye comes in contact with, whether they need it or not. I don't need the cough or snotty nose, ever. I hate being sick. Now, there is whooping cough going around....also known as the 100 day cough. Now who wants that? how many people can you come in contact with before they realize it isn't "just a cold" before they stay home? Shudders!
    TheBip likes this.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Hehehehehehe... :D Yes, I am a germaphobe, which is exactly why I had bought a over 900x magnification optical microscope - Just so my mind could be put at ease. So now (as a matter of routine) I often test my own cleanliness and sterilizing abilities by putting everything directly under the microscope. Seeing is believing, so that is how I can be sure that I am not eating anything dirty.

    It actually works amazingly great when a tiny 7 megapixel HD webcam is attached to the eyepiece! :D

    On a personal note, let me just say that Germaphobia can actually be something that is very tormenting - And if it is thought of as a mental sickness, then quite disabiling too... However, the real cure for such a condition isn't in eating antidepressants. But rather in getting the ability to see germs and bacteria for yourself!

    See how it grows, and how it is killed. And test how effective your own cleanliness and sterilizing abilities are. Therefore once you get to see everything with your own eyes - Is when your mind will automatically be at ease. Otherwise, it will turn into a major psychotic ailment... The same type Howard Hughes suffered from.

    Fortunately for me, I come from a scientific background, so I know that even if a little bit of filth got into my body, my own internal defence (gifted to me by evolution) will take care of it. But again, to get to see everything from my own eyes is indeed extremely comforting, (as it removes all doubt)...

    Microscope ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
  4. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    Long time customer no longer has self serve. Showed guy video tape of himself. Bag (big) bunch of grapes. Eat them while shopping. And he had $$$$. Was mad when showed video. All grapes now bagged and weight put on them.
    S-H likes this.

  5. Atwood Terrace

    Atwood Terrace Seedling

    Nov 12, 2013
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    NW Ohio
    it's just common sense., You go to the bathroom, you wash your hands., You go to a yard sale, you use hand sanitizer afterwards. If you can't clean up after contact, keep your hands away from your face. You see someone caughing and puking in the store, stay away from them., -This society is getting dirtier.
  6. V for short

    V for short Seedling

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Colorado, USA
    As a microbiologist I've become a germophobe by knowledge. I try not to think about things too much, but my worst thought is shopping cart handles. I've watched kids in stores and that's enough for me. If I have to use a shopping cart I'll use the provided wipes to clean it first. Even then I tend push with the heel of my hand and never wrap my fingers around it.

    I think the worst part of marlingardener's post was the very poor social etiquette demonstrated by the woman to her children. She's only reinforced the acceptability of that behavior. I'm not a confrontational girl, but there are times I want to scream at people for their poor judgement and selfish behavior. (Instead I just find a coffee shop and drown my frustrations in lattes 8)).
  7. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    That bit with the mom and kids is a bit revolting,
    and yet I'm delighted that her kids would even eat olives! (Ha!)

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