When we lived in town our vegetable garden area was where the old carriage house was. I found five horse shoes while digging the garden bed. Either they had one five-legged horse, or two horses with an assortment of five legs when the house was built around the turn of the century. We found nothing interesting--no bottles, no shards, just real, recent trash. Here on the farm we find bones, but fortunately they are all animal bones (or at least that is what I tell myself!).
well, People that previously lived in the house where mom lives at now used the garden area to burn trash. Occasionally nuts and bolts and little car parts come to the surface of the ground. -Why they thought steel and iron would burn is beyond me, but,...
JEWELL--Thank you for your comments. I am tickled that you liked it. I'm glad that you found the thread interesting, KM--It looks like just about everyone has found something whilst digging in their gardens. You are so welcome, GAIL--30-40 y.o. bottles could be interesting as well...perhaps even worth money. Thanks AA--Gad, you find some VERY interesting stuff there. I see that you live in Missouri, and that your son found a fossilized infant's hip bone. You guys don't happen to live in Hannibal, do you? hahaha. You know, perhaps things didn't turn out so well for Tom in that cave after all. ATWOOD-- chortle. That second reply from you had me scratching my head as well. Oh dear MG--ermmmm...I'll tell myself that too.
Hi Sjoerd,..those pipes and the jug were very interesting finds,..more so the jug,..where you live i daresay you will find more stuff from bye gone days,..i am always finding bits of broken china and clay pipes in the garden though when on the island we find traces of the Vikings,..others have found gold and silver,..not me,..alas i am still keeping my eyes peeled.
Thanks much, Philip--I find stuff every year, but usually just leave it lie unless it is particularly interesting to me. I would lurve finding some Viking stuff. That would be thrilling. My pal Pim would be interested as he is a jeweller that makes his own jewellery, and specializes in Viking and Keltic designs.
Sjoerd, you really tell the most interesting tales. I love your wife's find, and I'm ever so glad that you were the ones to find it since I know it will be well taken care of. There's lots of Viking stuff and older stuff to be found around here, but I think most of it has been found already. I've never come across anything, and I've dug deep.
Thanks Droopy. She was pretty proud of herself that day. We cleaned it and placed it with the rest of the little artefacts so that one may look at them whilst sitting. What a pity you have never found anything with all your digging. Well, you never know then something will turn up.Keep your eyes open.
Great story Sjoerd. I'd expect over here in these parts of Romania I SHOULD find some nice old and why not GOLD traces of past generations. RIGHT! Nothing but bits of clay, glass and rusty nails and so on. Maybe I do it wrong? I have a very small (and shallow) tool that I use for digging up weeds when are still small. Maybe I need another tool, and plant more dandelions in my garden so there is need to go deep when digging them up ???
Thanks Sjoerd. Great story. Fascinating to read & especially to see the pix. Thanks. In the house where I grew up, we would occasionally find old bottles. At my family's farm we would occasionally find old rusted bits of farm machinery, square nails, horseshoes, etc. Where I live now, all I turn up are old bits & pieces of my children's early toys!
Thanks CALIN--Yes, I truly would expect that you would find artefacts there from time to time because you live in an old and interesting part of Europe. Who knows what you will find when you are digging. I guess that the really old and perhaps more interesting stuff would be found deeper in the soil. Anyway, fingers crossed for you. When you DO find that special thing...you gotta post it. You are welcome, CAYUGA--Still yet, the things that you do find sound interesting to me: horseshoes and square nails. I wonder what else you will find in the future. Perhaps something from the preceding culture there. That would be exciting, wouldn't it.