Out of the sofa peeped a very confused face. The poor, little badger had sneaked inside for a nap and had been so rudely awakened. Ok, Droopy thoght, I'm not sharing my shed with a badger, so she went ...
and Googled "petting zoo", reasoning that she had some sort of mysterious attraction for small animals. But the first result on Google was for...
something much rauchier than she had expected and she felt herself blush all over. Quickly closing down her computer and making herself a strong cup of coffee she decided to ring an animal welfare centre in the area to see if they needed volunteers. She was invited along to meet everyone who helped out there and when found the centre located in a beautiful rural setting she just knew .....
..that this was the right place for the badgering badger, so instead of seeking gainful employment, she managed to coax the people into fetching the badger out of the shed, the ducks out of the bathroom and the compost tea went along too, so all Droopy had left after a fairly strenuous day ....
Was some cold, soggy, and limp french toast w/out syrup. How pitiful she thought..so instead of french toast that she vowed to never make again, she made...
up her mind to drown her sorrows in a giant double-chocolate cake. She had the eggs and milk she needed, but discovered to her horror that her flour was full of weevils! Why, oh why didn't she spot them when the hungry ducks were still here? And she couldn't even rest on her cut-up sofa! So she grabbed a big wooden spoon and determinedly...
...squeezed the weevils into a nice, thick paste that she smeared all over the stems of the lilys hoping the nasty lily beetles would get stuck in it and be easier to crush. Then she grabbed her bicycle and...
headed back through the Maple forest and stewed tomatoes...back up to Butterball Mountain to plant her garden of lilies and garlic.. THE END. or if you prefer to keep this going... headed over to Biita's place to do a scenic day trip with her. Biita toured her all around her neck of the woods (check out Biita's blog "Bicycle Bicycle"...here's an excerpt: Here is my first stop. This place is very very special, its called UrVatn. That is the old norwegian, the viking language for Ancient Waters. This place was so sacred to the Vikings of this area and the people of an era before them. Droopy was so impressed that she...