Sjoerd, heres a link for you called Christmas in Norway but the calendar is a christmas calendar with doors on each number, and everyday you open a door an there is a surprise waiting for you,,, usually chocolate. the calendar is very very decorated with lots of christmas stuff. its very bright an cheerful.
Sinterklass Sinterklass is close enought..... That is sweet and joyous for the kids. The chocolate guy does look like our santa. I love chocolate too......but it kicks in the allergies..... That was a nice story there Sjoey,
Thanks Biita for the christmas in Norway explanation. The thing where people make gingerbread buildings I like the sound of. That must be really nice the little foto gave a good idea. We also celebrate christmas here...with a first and second day. It is a very commercial happening, and in some ways distasteful because of it; having said that, it is great for kids and family. Barb: Great to see you back.The chocolate santa is really not santa at all, he is the bishop of Demre, Saint Nicolas. He was a real person. I visited his grave in Turkey once. Apparently 5 december is the date of the real saint's death. What a shame that choccy irritates yoiur allergies.
good Good Eat some for me.....I just wolfed down some ice cream instead......Vanilla.... I was watching on tv last nite, FIne Living. It was a program in germany. The Octoberfest.....Drinking beer.......I sure didnt know they drank that muchk.. It lasts 16 days. Actually I live in an area Called New Germany. Most are germans......... Ha I am polish and husband is Irish/English. They notice that here.
Ha ha ha... I know the Oktoberfest...and you are right they consume enormous amounts of beer! So you has a little ice cream, huh. Good for you. There's nothing like a little ice cream in the evenings. Yummmmm ,,,
Just came home from the birthday party? Just got home form Haley's first Birthday party. Wasn't bad at all...She was pretty tired. After 2 hours of bunch of relatives.. Kids an adults. Ice cream an cake and million other things like cold cuts , chips , salads. b