I love the walkthrough garden idea! YOu gave me a great idea to think about for one of my future flower gardens. Thank you for sharing.
Sjoerd: think I have an answer for you on your little "blow in" plant, sure looks like Feverfew (listed as Martricaria capensis or Tanacetum parthenium). Is a member of the chrysanthemum family; a perennial that attains 1-3 feet in height; makes a soft mound of ferny-looking compound leaves that become "overlaid" with either single or double blossoms that are daisy-like, are white with yellow centers. Tis an herb used in easing migraine headaches. I believe the blossoms can be cut and dried for use in dried arrangements along with other flowers. I sympathise with your weather: only way to describe ours this year is "squirrely" and you don't know what to expect from one minute to the next! Plants are a good month behind schedule, should be a very interesting growing season....
Well Weeds... I have looked at lots of pics of those two names that you provided, but I just couldn't find any that were precisely the same as mine. Howevere when I googled "Feverfew", the first image that I got looked almost exactlylike mine. It could well be it. Even if it's not, I am convinced that they must be in the same family. I appreciate your legwork on this, and it gives me the first real possibility for identification. Thank you very much.
Everything looks good Sjoerd. Sorry your weathers been so messed up, I think it's that way every where. We've had lots of rain, but not too much, and lots of sun, a lot in the same day. It just goes from rain to sun and back to rain. But my garden is drinking it up so far. The few blooms I had have gone and am waiting for more. Thanks for sharing yours.