I check Facebook usually right before I shut the computer down at night. Mostly to check and see if my sister has posted something about her grandkids. Or to see what family and friends are up to. It has aided in me reconnecting with long lost friends. But that's about all I use it for. However.... I check in on the 'Stew all day long while at work. I check in when I'm at home. I check in to see and to learn and to laugh. Heck... I check in all the time...But I guess I don't have to tell you all that!
Re: ! I don't and won't, 'do' Facebook and Twitter. Wait, somebody already said that! And I've already stated I don't do TV. I didn't know what a forum was until a few months ago, and I'm surprised I got involved. I think I got involved because so much good stuff is happening and I had to share all the fun. My wife is not interesting in gardening. But I have a strong inclination that the forum members here are-some of ya'll are way into stuff I never thought about doing. Like that post about what's going on in my kitchen-an egg hatching in the palm of your hand. That's extreme.
I find I really miss everyone when I can't do GardenStew. I have no wants for other sites. You all take such good care of me.
Re: ! Yes, yes. Some of us are bored to death and have to think up some silly stuff to do. I used to vaccuum my driveway, but I have stopped doing that when my daughter mocked in front of her friends. Barb in Pa.
I think forums naturally slow down this time of year because people are busy & bone tired at the end of the day.I agree with what has been said here. The Garden Stew folks are the best! I detest rude,nasty remarks.At the first sign of that,I'm outta there! I do Facebook. I like it. I keep up with my daughter & sisters & we share pictures .I rarely talk gardening on FB.Only have a couple of garden friends on there& those I met through Craig's List.I don't have the time to get on there & post my days every move LOL.Most days I don't post anything on FB. Doris
When I say it's extreme, I mean that I've never seen that before and don't know anyone who has. Although I'm sure my wildlife rehab friends in Lafayette have done it, or helped out. My herpetologist friend had snake eggs... Yes, it's way cool. Got any ostrich eggs?
blissful photons, You little cutie pie, I am sure many people have hatched eggs in their kitchen or breezeway or barn. Extreme is talking 92 exotic baby birds in an incubator on travel over 4 states and keep them in a hotel room for 3 days. Extreme is taking 150 baby exotic baby birds home and keeping them in your bath tub for the Christmas holiday so you don't have to go back to work 4 times on Christmas Day. Barb in Pa.
OHHH, Barb, this sounds like the voice of experience talking.... Naw, not extreme in the least, I only keep chicks in my basement for a few months every spring...not the kitchen.....
I have a Dereila Nature Inn Facebook, only for trying to keep 'friends' upto date with the nature site. Its not working at all really as I put a message in and perhaps one 'friend' says they like it. I got rid of it once and a couple said they missed it, so I brought it back to life. Like Earth Day that we worked on, 40 odd pictures came in, two let me know that they liked it. GS is the best.
Do you know what happens to kitchen grease when you have chicken dust flying all over the place? I told my hubby that I thought my kitchen was "tared and feathered". What a mess I had. I said I would never do that again and now look at what I am doing. Just what I said I would never do. Barb in Pa.
Well, I hadn't thought of the mix, tared and feathered is a pretty funny though, but...um I'll pass....I was thinking more along the lines of the extra fiber the fluff adds...especially in your tea...mmmm yum . or how the aroma "adds" to the savory smell of baking or dinner cooking....mmm hmmm. With all of this who has time for internet social media?
Oh! What a terrible picture of my poor kitchen we are painting, carolyn keiper. My kitchen is pretty clean and does not smell except when I cook. Then it smells good. And I agree with marlingardener, This place is growing more than others because we are so friendly and don't fight with each other. I have been on maybe 50 forums and they can get pretty nasty. I really mean that. I have not seen anything like that here and I read ALL posts, except for the time I was ill. Barb in Pa.