Thanks for the comments, I noticed several saying it looks good as long as it isn't where they are. I have to say that snow and cold are only as bad as you let it get in your own mind. Right now it's 5 above F out there and I was just out with the dog. It didn't seem all that bad while I was out. I have found that since I'm retired and go out into the cold when I want to, not when I "have" to, the cold doesn't seem nearly as bothersome as I remember it being on the way to work. How you feel out in the cold has a lot to do with why you are out in it. There are Ice fisherman out on the lake in front of the house for as long as 8 hours, no shelter from the weather other than their clothing. To do that you need to love Ice fishing more than you dislike the cold. Or, how about the Polar Bear clubs, people that jump into the lakes through a large hole in the ice, made just for that purpose. It all comes down to how you look at it. No mater how you look at it, I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. Tom
We just got back from watching a brave group of Polar Bear jumpers in our area. Temps were in the high teens today with a pretty brisk to watch, but I'll stay on the shore, thanks! This year, they had to use a chainsaw to cut through the ice so there was open water for them. I love the winter months... snowstorms and snowmobiling, ice skating, fires in the fireplace, and warming up in the hot tub. Winter makes me appreciate the spring...all the flowers blooming (lilacs are my favorite!), birds chirping, and lounging in the sun... THINK SNOW!
I'll think rain, thank you. I am not a snow/winter person any more. I lived in Wisconsin for about 50 of my 67 years and I shoveled my share. Now, I will just shovel the raindrops. I can't wait for spring and summer to get here. dooley