My mums neighbour feels the same. Her brother sent her a lovely hand made card, and she called him cheap. Now this is an ex school teacher in her late 60's. I would have thought she would have appreciated the time and effort, especially as she is an artist also. People are strange.
*faints* My goodness! I feel special and honoured when I receive a handmade card. I can sense the work and care put into it and I treasure them. Cheap indeed! Philistines. I'd never send them a single card again.
I would just love to have a card sent to me that someone made from love instead of store bought ones. You know, I might make our own next year. It sounds like alot of fun. Some people just don't appreciate what people go through for them. Makes you wonder what this world is coming too.
I recieved one of the most beautiful cards last year from a lady on here.She make the most wonderful gorgeous cards and I know it was made with love from across the way.She should make them to sell.She knows who she is and I will let her tell you.It was a joy to recieve it.We got one this year made by Heathers dear friend Natalie.Just gorgeous and made with love.It takes hours to make those gorgeous cards.