Fantastic post as usual Sjoerd. I always look forward to your photos and prose. The birds pics were great but the clematis with the little blue flowers is out of a dream. I was wondering when would be a good time to transplants some Solomon Seal? Yours is so lovely and I have some I'd like to move where I could enjoy it more. It is a wild woodland plant here, but I have found the woodland plants to be rather touchy about relocation. Your photos made my evening. Thanks :-D
Lovely birds and blooms! I believe your Hosta is either the H. undulata "Univittata" or the H. u. "Mediovariegata". Those two are so similar I can't tell them apart, but one is supposed to have a very narrow stripe down the middle, while the other one's stripe is broader. Sometimes they're just too similar for comfort.
Thank you JEWELL-- I am happy that you liked the fotos and you had such nice things to say. As for transplanting the Solomon's Seal-- I feel that the fall is the best time to transplant it (after the stalks have turned brown and died). I think that you could probably try transplanting them at any time of year, but my experience is that fall is the best. Thank you so much, DROOPY-- I am glad that you liked the birds and blooms. Thank you also for suggesting a name(s) for my hosta. After looking up the ones that you suggested, I still cannot be sure with any degree of certainity which it is. Having said that, if I HAD to make a choice, I'd say the H. u. "Mediovariegata". Oh well, at least I have an idea, thanks to you. The plant is looking well after it's traumatic relocation, I think. I have put that little Lathyrus rack in the place where it was last year up by the rose arch.