I like that ground cover too. But I will have to learn more about hostas. So, they cross pollinate? That's very interesting.
Yes, DB, they do, but I think that most of the new ones are sports from other hostas. The hosta June is a sport of Hosta Halcyon for example, and hosta Hanky Panky is a sport of hosta Striptease which is a sport of hosta Gold Standard. And so it goes.
Sorry, MaryAnn, I didn't think to explain. It means that a different-looking hosta comes up out of the root of it's mother. It just happens, and when it happens it can sometimes give amazing results.
Imagine that. It really is amazing... and so once something "new" comes up, if you keep splitting it, it will retain the new characteristics? Or, is there a chance it will just become something else down the road? I didn't realize how complex the hosta family is. I can see why they fascinate you.