do you do it?

Discussion in 'Computer and Internet' started by Ronni, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Yes, it really doesn't matter what our data is (be it industrial trade secrets, or something of unimaginable sentimental value like family photos, videos, as well as audio recordings) - Point is that if it is precious to us, than we have a right to go to any length when it comes to protecting it! So this really is where there can be no compromises, period!

    As for me, well, I too didn't exactly start out this way (with so many different types of backups). It all just seemed to add up over the years, where whenever a new type of data storage device would come out - I'd immediately start using it. However with the new one in place, I also never discarded or discontinued with the old. As it meant more redundancy for me.

    I recently also saved a video from an old VHS tape, and converted it onto DVD. It was the seminar Karachi University had done on the life of my late grandfather (and his contributions into building my nation). So saving that from deterioration was extremely satisfying indeed! So after some editing, I will also upload it to my YouTube account as well! :D

    But first I will also be saving a few old wedding videos too (which also are on VHS tapes) - As they now contain footage of many relatives who are no longer around... So all of this will no doubt add to my data which will need multiple backups - But it is still worth it I swear!
  2. aadityaas

    aadityaas New Seed

    May 19, 2014
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    United states
    I am using Toshiba laptop.

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