The wind is very strong here today. We are used to windy days, but today the gusts are over 55mph. We're hoping it doesn't damage trees. Hold onto your hats!!
I was just thinking the same thing! It looked pretty threatening this morning. So I blew off going to my brother's to see their new gardening efforts. And I just felt lazy and haven't done a darn thing. I don't even have to cook because the church was selling Beef Tip dinners. We may have gotten 4 drops of rain. So glad I watered the thirsty plants yesterday. Happy not to have bad weather... but was really looking forward to a rainy day... I still haven't done my inside chores.
It didn't rain but a few drops here. It didn't even hardly get the new rain guage wet. It did get dark and cold and windy but only a few drops of rain. I looked at the radar and it looks like it's going south and east of us this time. Still a chance for showers tonight. dooley