toni, My briother lives in Flower Mound and I sometimes help them in their yard when I'm there. My sister-in-law loves flowers. I was horrified one day, when I went out to plant a crepe myrtle. I started digging & hit rock-hard soil. It was this red clay and was the consistency of slightly brittle terra cotta. I don't know how anything grows in that. It broke up in pieces, or shards, if you will, when I took the pick to it. I brought my sis-in-law some of my volunteer Alaska Shasta daisies last year & they're huge in her yard now. Out here in this part of West Texas, the soil is "sandy loam", which explains all the agriculture, but we've got pockets of yucky clay & caliche too. I hate that clay & I always try to loosen it up with sand.
According to the Master Gardeners in the classes I took in early spring, you should never add sand to clay. Clay + Sand = Concrete. The best amendments for clay is compost and lots of it, also there is a relatively new on the market product called Expanded Shale that is really good for aerating the clay soil, doesn't add nutrients or decompose, just keeps the clay from clumping together.