Thanks Sherry and Jewell. I'm still getting lots of blooms. And now the recently planted Oriental Lilies are starting to do their thing. Oriental Lily - Girosa ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Cheryl, Your Daylily parade is just beautiful! So many colors, and different shaped blooms. I have been noticing all the Daylilies on parade here, they seem extra specially pretty this year. Even my plain old Stellas are blooming nice in 2014!
Thanks Kay... I'm really enjoying mine this year... they seem to be blooming more than before. And now that the Orientals are blooming, it's even more colorful! I fell in love with this one on first sight! I have to have more! Oriental Salmon Star - I'm in love! ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) I bought a pack of bulbs, but this one doesn't look like any of the names it contained. Still very pretty! Another Oriental ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Lilies ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden ) Cheryl, Mine are not as dramatic as yours, but I am loving them right now too! They seem to have multiplied a lot this year, and I have another batch that are still not blooming. Love em!
Wow cheryl, too many to mention what I like, Love this one though; Rocking Cradle...hmm..lovely! Superb show. I grow Asiatic Lillies. :-D
My daylilies & Asiatic lilies have not quite started blooming yet....but will soon. Normally my asiatics are bothered by red lily beetle. Not so this year!!! I have found a couple, but that is it. Maybe our very hard winter? Anybody else find this?
Hi Cayuga! Any progress with your lilies to report? I had another Oriental bloom. I was kinda disappointed because in the pack I bought, it listed it as Lovely Girl (white with yellow stripes & red freckles). But instead... I got this. Oriental ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) It really is pretty... and HUGE. Just not what I was expecting. Maybe next year it show it's "real" colors?
Cheryl-- WOW is that BIG!!! Not what you were expecting but it is nonetheless lovely. Thanks for asking about my lilies. I have two oriental lilies just blooming their heads off right now. They are right next to the driveway, so I get to see them everytime I leave the house. My daylilies are coming into bloom now: the Happy Returns & the Stella d'oro's. They are very healthy & happy. The others are full of buds, just waiting to pop. I will post photos when I get a chance. BTW Cheryl I like it that you (& others here) post the names of your daylilies. For me, if I see one I really like, I can look for it.