The dreaded F word!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Capt Kirk, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I bet that white crap was just lovely Capt Kirk... We havent had any yet, but it is coming soon. It was in the 30s here one night, and over a week in the 40s. Now it is back up in the 50s/60s at night, and too hot in the day time. I did bring in my porch plants, and gave a few away because I have too many house plants for my house. I have most of my windows closed for the winter, but a few I still have open for the warmer days. We will have a bit of Indian summer after the first few frosts. I took the window fans down, but they need some serious scrubbing before being put away. Our average first frost date is about October 15th here. Last year was weird, and it was December something or other when it came. This WHOLE past year has been weird! We only got about 5 inches of total snow last winter, and spring arrived in mid February. Summer arrived by early May... and between February and August, we only had a few very light showers, so things were desperate here. I don't know if farmers will get a second cutting of hay or not. The one I buy hay from had less than 1/3 his normal crop of hay and may not have any to sell me this winter. They have been importing hay from all over, including from Canada and Texas and Florida. Florida shared some fire ants with us, but we would rather not have them.

    Captain Kirk, feel free to share the snow and frost down here in southern MO any time... :stew1:

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