The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Good Saturday evening all
    This afternoon went to see my friend Keith, he has MS and in a wheelchair. He makes greetings cards and i help him, always see him every Saturday.
    Have a good evening all.
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  2. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday afternoon all. Currently 5°C and overcast.
    Rained all day yesterday and all night. My sump pump is running constantly and there is a huge lake on the lower part of the property. But on the good side, there are things starting to grow in the gardens!
    I have been busy cleaning windows, inside and out, and there are only 3 left to do. I will do them another day, I've had enough!
    Not sure what I will get up to today, I might look for some new recipes.
    Logan likes this.
  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Monday morning all, and Happy Earth Day! Currently 8°C and overcast.
    I have done my morning dog walk. On the way, I picked up all the garbage in the ditches on one side of the road, including 5 tires and some construction waste that I left in a pile for the town to pick up. The other side will have to wait until a little later and I will have to bring a much larger bag. I filled a whole bag with cans, water bottles and small bits of garbage in a one km stretch of road. Humans are such lazy pigs sometimes, and I still struggle to understand why so much garbage is dumped in our rural ditches when there is a garbage transfer station less than 2 miles away.
    Today I am cooking a turkey as well as a small moose roast for a family dinner. I love when we all get together to eat :)
    Cayuga Morning and Logan like this.
  4. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Good afternoon
    It's a bit more pleasant today got a nice breeze to cool it down a bit.
    Just walked the boys Barely and berry got the dinner in, it's chicken and chips with baked beans.
    Yesterday we had the roast, lamb and mint sauce with roast potatoes, veg and gravy. Had mincemeat pie with cream for afters.

    Pottered about the garden doing odd things and tyding up the potted plants.
    Cayuga Morning likes this.

  5. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Good for you @Netty !
    For the past 3 years our town has organized a volunteer trash pickup weekend. A lot of townspeople sign up & we pretty much cover the whole town. The first year it was pretty bad. hadn't been done in I don't know how long. The last two years have been better.

    Then we publush a list of unusual finds; a wrought iron bed frame, a suit coat & tie,etc. This how I learned what trucker bombs are. I found a black plastic bag FULL of them!

    We also list where there are a large number of beer cans & nips, & of course people speculate about that (teenagers? a closet drinker on his/her route to work ?

    Last year we added a garlic mustard weed pull (an invasive) for those who were up to it. It being a community effort makes it a lot easier.

    I am impressed @Netty thst you are doing this on your own. Truly.
    Logan likes this.
  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Thanks Cayuga, I do this every Earth Day, but I also pick up cans etc on my daily dog walks. I live in the country, and I don't want to see garbage on my walks!
    Good Monday morning all. Currently 10°C and sunny, but rain in the forecast for later.
    My car is at the local garage having some work done, so I am stranded at home. I should get lots of work done that way haha
    I am making turkey soup with yesterdays carcass, and I still have windows to wash, and lots of laundry to do. There is no lack of jobs to do around here so I shouldn't get bored.
    Have a great day all :)
    Cayuga Morning and Logan like this.
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Went to the garden today to cut some broccoli side shoots, and I couldn't resist "dibbling" for potatoes. I came up with four golf ball sized potatoes! I'm sure there are more, but I have other things to do today other than treasure hunt!
    Logan likes this.
  8. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Wednesday morning all. Currently just 3°C and overcast with north west winds. Brrrr!
    I'm off on a bit of a tour this morning ... first the skate sharpening man, then a stop at Costco, and then I'm stopping at a nice garden center in another town. I'm looking for some Rattlesnake beans, and that garden center is the only place I have found them, other than online. Only problem is I'm sure I won't be leaving there with just a package of Rattlesnake beans haha
    Have a great day all :)
    Cayuga Morning and Logan like this.
  9. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Good afternoon all
    @Netty that's the trouble going to GC you buy plants that you don't need.

    Potted on the cucumber plants in the conservatory 2 plants in each, 5 pots
    Netty likes this.
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Thursday morning all. Currenlty 2°C and sunny.
    Well, my plans got changed yesterday by a message from my daughter at school saying she wasn't feeling well. I did get the skates sharpened, but the message came in the middle of my stop at Costco. So my day was cut short as I had to drive an hour back to the school to pick her up. I will probably end up ordering my rattlesnake bean seeds online unless I can get back that way this weekend. Today I hope to get the last 2 gardens cleaned up. They are both in very wet spots so it may not be possible. I also have some bulbs to pot up and my shed to clean out, maybe put out my few garden ornaments. I think I can also repot my tomato seedlings.
    Looks like there's no shortage of things to do today, so I'd better get started!
    Have a great day all :)
  11. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    We headed down to Philadelphia today for a tour of historic sights for a few days. Then we will head to Longwood Gardens for a garden tour. That will be the highlight of the trip!!
  12. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Friday morning all. Currently 4°C and raining. It's supposed to rain all day and there are many neighboring towns that have declared a state of emergency due to flooding. The rain has just been relentless!
    I did get my gardenshed cleaned out yesterday, I wasn't sure what kind of mess that raccoon had made, but it wasn't too bad. I'm just glad they are gone!
    I also transplanted a few of my seedlings, and will do the rest on the weekend.
    Have a great day all :)
    Logan likes this.
  13. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Good afternoon
    Did some housework this morning and potted up 5 tomato plants in their final pot in the conservatory and took up 2 pairs of trousers that i just bought.
  14. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday morning all. Currently -4°C and snowing. Yes, snowing! I couldn't believe it either!
    Despite the weather, I am off to our towns free compost giveaway this morning.
    Later we are headed to watch an ice show. It's gonna be a great day :)
    Logan likes this.
  15. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    We finished cleaning out the front flower bed, the one by our front door. I was so ashamed of its condition--weeds, hackberry saplings, and being a mess. Now it is cleaned, we can actually find our Bibi Mazoon rose, and Monday we'll mulch heavily after I apply a good dose of vinegar as an herbicide, move containers onto the mulch and then (Happy Day) we'll go to a garden center and get four plants to put in the containers!
    After hauling trimmings to the burn pile I rewarded myself by cutting some broccoli side shoots and dibbling for potatoes. Guess what we are having for dinner, along with some smoked chicken!
    Cayuga Morning, Netty and Logan like this.

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