The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all. Currently 19° and sunny.
    Thanks for missing me MG :smt054
    Such a busy week! I started work at 5:30 am all week rather than 6am so that I could get my daughter to the rink on time. And because I left early 3 days, I made up the time on Friday so it was a 10 hour day. One more week of that schedule and then it changes again.
    We haven't had rain for a while and its been hot so I've had to do a lot of watering. I notice that the soy bean fields in my neighborhood are showing signs of stress from lack of rain so I hope we get some rain soon. There is a 40% chance of showers this afternoon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
    Today I am canning up tomato sauce! Garden tomatoes are coming in now and I ran out of room in the freezer.
    Have a great day all :)
    Sjoerd likes this.
  2. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Netty, so glad to hear from you, although with that schedule we understand why you were just too tuckered out to post!
    I'm taking care of little details today--bits of cleaning I put off, washing curtains, and feeling very virtuous for finally getting those little jobs done.
    Husband is putting the finishing touches on a new patio table since the time when mornings and evenings will be cool enough to sit on the patio and enjoy. We need the table for our coffee cups or wine glasses (morning/evening, we aren't complete winos!). Likely the cats will co-opt it and we'll end up holding the cup or glass.
    Sjoerd likes this.
  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    We have at least another two months before sitting out in the back yard is doable here....95-100 are nowhere near my favorite numbers...unless there is a $ in front of them and not the word degrees after them.
  4. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Monday morning all. Currently 19°C and clear.
    It's 4:30 am and I'm getting ready to walk the dog before I leave for work. It is pitch dark now, so we don't go too far. We will also stop at the veggie garden to make sure there are no critters in it. This is an extra early start again, to allow me to leave work early to get DD to the rink. Oh the things we do for our kids!
    It's going to be another hot day today, with small chance of rain. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it does.
    Have a great day all :)

  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    We are looking at upper 90's all week with increasing humidity brought to us by hurricane Laura in the Gulf of Mexico and supposedly heading this way but is likely to swing to the east and leave us nothing but the high humidity and heat. Thankfully Marco is no longer a threat.
  6. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    It's been chucking it down on and off for most of the day.
    But the temperatures have been high for several weeks.

    Chased my utilities providers, haven't had a bill for gas/electricity or water since February although they've been taking the money by direct debit each month.

    Ordered a new golf putter online, to go with my new clubs (when they arrive, being left handed they take longer to be delivered). I've had the putter for 20 years, so I think I can "justify," a new one.
    Mind you, if you can afford it, at my age you can "justify" anything.

    We've just ordered new made to measure curtains for five rooms. They are costing an arm and a leg.

    Ordered this through "Discogs," (often a much cheaper option than eBay, with a bigger selection).

    This is for my Motown and similar jukebox. "The Cookies" are my favourite sixties, girl group.

    It'll join this and one or two others among the more well known Motown recording.

    I'll have to chose one of the fifty records in the carousel to take out.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
    Sjoerd likes this.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    How on earth are you going to choose which one to take out, mate?!
    They could make this choosing thing, a task for Tantalos.
    Good luck.
  8. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday morning all! Currently 14°C and overcast. We have had 2 glorious rainfalls this week! The gardens, lawns and even the trees are perking up again, and I'll have time to catch up on other tasks rather than water gardens!
    Today is canning day! Ive had 2 giant slow cookers cooking down tomatoes, and have a huge amount of tomatoes sitting on the counter. I've also got a basket of Jalapenos that I will use to make a batch of cowboy candy. That should keep me busy for the day!
    Have a great day all :)
  9. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Netty, I'm envious! Our tomato plants succumbed to the hail storm in late June, and we are tomato-less. However, today is "go out and pick almonds"! We picked almonds about 10 days ago, and more are ready. When it gets cooler we will spend a morning at the garden table, getting the meat out of the shell. We usually have a cat or two helping by batting shells around, sticking pink noses into the basket, and demanding petting.
  10. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    A bit of a nothing day really, overcast but not cold rained a bit in the afternoon.
    A man came to replace a long piece of guttering along the side of the house which was leaking in the middle. He also dropped the end a bit where the down pipe is situated as moss was collecting in the bend of the gutter.
    It should now flow freely and heavy rain will clear any moss that rolls off the roof into the gutter. Not bad for forty quid.
    Managed to spend another hundred quid on stuff on eBay and a shopping channel, mostly new household stuff and some ink cartridges for my printer (half the price that Canon would have charged me).

    Spent quite a bit of time playing my tenor sax and leccy piano (not both at the same time).

    Watched the film "The Big Heat" (I've seen it several times), which I'd recorded on my Humax HDR then filed it away with the rest of my film noir collection on its hard drive and also on my back-up hard drive, then binned the copy I had on VHS. I've still a lot of film noir on VHS but as the films come up on Freeview I record them again.

    My new graphite shafted Cleveland golf club irons arrived at the pro shop yesterday so I went over to collect them, it was too wet to play.
    I only bought 6 irons, pitching wedge to 5, as I've also got some new woods, a 3,5 and a hybrid. I bought a new Callaway driver at the beginning of the year so I didn't need a new one.
    I don't need a sand wedge as I don't use the one I have, as I've a lob wedge which I prefer, I'll keep my Cobra 7 wood. I've a new Odessey putter on order.

    The rest of my old Callaway Big Bertha clubs and Cobra woods I'll give to the pro, he'll give them to a new junior, if there's any left-handers who might want them.

    I could go down to the local driving range to try them out. But I can't be bothered. I won't use them on Monday in the "roll-up" I'll use my old clubs, I'll wait until Wednesday when three of us always play. I'll hit a few balls on the practice ground before we go out.

    I'm quite impressed with them.
    cleveland-launcher-hb-turbo-irons-1 (3).jpg

    Golf club manufacturers give their clubs all sorts of fanciful names, same with golf balls.
    But it's nothing like the graphite shafts on woods. They come in different levels of "whippiness," if you like, and balance points. All the technical information is printed down the length of the shaft. I've often wondered that if you took one into a chemists they could make you up a prescription from what's printed on the shaft.

    Because I had to replace my leccy trolley earlier in the year and what with a few other bits, I've spent a lot of money on golf this year, (apart from membership fees), but it's only half the cost of the new curtains we've ordered, so I don't feel guilty.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
  11. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all. Currently 12°C and sunny.
    Yesterday brought more rain, and strong winds. I spent the day canning so the breeze through the house was nice.
    Today, I hope to get the grass cut and the laundry folded, as well as some peaches canned.
    It's my sons 24th birthday today, so I hope he'll come for a visit later too.
    Have a great day all :)
  12. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Good morning to you all! When I went to check on the hens and open the outside coop this morning, I found two eggs. Not eggs in nest boxes, but eggs laid behind their water container. I can't convince those ladies that nest boxes are for egg laying!
    Today is a bits and pieces day--a bit of laundry, picking up and putting away pieces of this and that around the house, and having a nice bit of lunch.
    Henry Johnson likes this.
  13. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Tuesday morning all. Currently 14°C and clear. There is also a beautiful full moon!
    I was up really late with skating last night, but I am wide awake and off to work. We will be up late again tonight.
    The one thing I haven't missed all these months is the smell of her skating bag in my car!
    Have a great day all :)
    Sjoerd likes this.
  14. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Wednesday morning all. Currently 20°C and raining. Looks like it will rain most of the day.
    Off to work, where I can work on my saved indoor jobs.
    Hopefully an early day!
    Have a great day all :)
  15. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    We are getting rain, too! It has rained all night, we have puddles, and rain is still coming down. This was so needed. Our temperature has cooled also. Yesterday was 101, and right now it is 70 with a prediction of mid-80's for the afternoon.
    I'll skip grocery shopping today and spend the day in the kitchen. We are low on Foccaccia bread, and I'll make tuna salad and chicken salad while the bread rises.
    Hope you all have a good day and stay wet or dry, according to your preference!

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