The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    @Netty - I have one on my art desk, as well as the bulbs in my kitchen lamps. I bought a sun lamp for each of my kids when they went to college and lived in a dorm room. It makes a big difference. There are certain times of the day that they are more beneficial, and lengths of time. As someone who worked with folks as a social service worker for many years, I recommend it if you get the blues in the winter months or very rainy seasons. I believe it helps. Your pharmacist is a good person to talk to about it. Here they are loaned out through the local MH office, so that people can try them before investing in a purchase. Maybe there is a service like that there?
    Sjoerd likes this.
  2. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    We are In the mist of a ‘Atmospheric River’ storm. The back pasture is flooded , looks like a pond and the roads down stream are also flooded out by the rivers out of there banks. We are socks in for the week.
    Daniel W and Sjoerd like this.
  3. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    Happy Wednesday afternoon! After a long town day yesterday, today was a busy start with cleaning and putting everything away. Angus had his nails trimmed, and a curry. Tomorrow it's bath day for the big fella. AKA water wrestling match. Honestly he just stands with his head jammed between my legs and waits for it to be over with hahaha Poor guy.

    We are a mix of snow and sleet. It eased off yesterday long enough for the town day. There was no snow in town, so we left winter and came back to winter. The snow was heavy and wet as the precipitation moved in from the coast and down Pac and Daniel's way.

    No travelling to town for two weeks, and then one more visit to town before the New Year. I'll have to make my list and check it twice before then. Maybe four times.
    Daniel W and Sjoerd like this.
  4. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Friday morning all. Currently 0°C and overcast.
    We've been for our morning walk and now its coffee time!
    Did my regular errands and shopping yesterday, and today I'm heading out in the opposite direction to do some Christmas shopping. I'm hoping to get a good part of it done today. I'll take DD with me to help with the grandkids toy gifts, thats the hardest part haha
    Have a great day all :)
    Melody Mc. and Sjoerd like this.

  5. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Monday morning all. Currently -1°C and overcast.
    With the weekend behind me, I'm trying to get organized to finish my Christmas shopping. I'm mostly done, just some small stuff left to get and some food.
    We'll put up our tree in the next few days. Hard to believe another year is almost over.
    Have a great day all :)
    Melody Mc. and Sjoerd like this.
  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Tuesday morning all. Currently -1°C and windy.
    I got my Baker Creek seed catalog yesterday, so I could easily spend the entire day looking at it. But DD has other plans for me ... She's talked me into putting up the Christmas tree today! Maybe once its done she'll leave me and my catalog in peace haha
    Have a great day all :)
    Daniel W and Melody Mc. like this.
  7. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    TGIT ( I'm just glad the day is done, and it happens to be Tuesday. :) ) It has been a long week of washing logs and log beams in the house, dusting raw beams, ceilings, washing walls, wiping everything and kicking out all of the dust bunnies. My body is tired of being up a ladder, even with the extended duster. This used to be a yearly thing, but embarrassed to say with the way life has been - it has been close to five years. BIG MONSTER DUST BUNNIES!



    Tomorrow is tree day. Angus and I will snowshoe in the morning and bring it out with a rope so that I don't trip on the branches. There is only about a foot of snow, so it should go really well. It will take a bit of time, as it is a ways in the forest, but it is worth it. It also needs to be thinned to allow for other trees to grow. We are having snackies for decorating time in the afternoon, and then having a turkey dinner for supper. Last time we had turkey we froze some individual meals, so we will each have one tomorrow and we have some champagne and cheesecake for desert.( a little bit of Bing C. in the background. ) I'm looking forward to it. :)
    Frank, Sjoerd and Daniel W like this.
  8. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Wednesday morning all. Currently -1°C and sunny.
    We got our Christmas tree up and decorated yesterday. Today I'll wrap gifts and make a list of things left to pick up on my outing tomorrow.
    @Melody Mc. I love Turkey, I wish I would have thought about freezing individual meals!! I'll be sure to buy a large one this Christmas and freeze a few meals instead of making my family eat leftovers for a week. Hubby isn't fond of turkey dinners, so this is genius!
    Have a great day all :)
    Melody Mc. and Sjoerd like this.
  9. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Most of the bathroom upgrades arrived yesterday - light fixture, vent fan, vanity, toilet / bidet, faucets. The tub supplier canceled my order, reason given was "it wasnt shipped. You can try again" :confused:. So I did. This was the only one I could find with the configuration I wanted. If they cancel again, I can buy a different one from Lowes and make some (costly) changes but still be on budget.

    The contractor came over today. They will demo the old bathroom 10 Jan. I have a different contractor to install a window, when the old tub is removed.

    I don't communicate well and being around most people is difficult for me:sete_022:, but it seems to be going OK. This time I can't DIY it although I did shop around a lot for the appliances etc.

    The changes: a wall will be removed to provide a bit more room and not as dark. The vanity is taller, sink easier to use, and more / easier to use drawers. Better lighting, including window. Tub has a "senior entrance" door and will be slightly raised. Toilet is slightly higher (for seniors) and will have automated behind-washer, blow-dryer, and seat warmer. Most surfaces are white or white with pale grey, for better light.

    Now I need to pick out paint. With all the white, I might chose a light blue.
    Melody Mc. and Sjoerd like this.
  10. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Great news, Daniel. They’re in!
    BTW— did you think of installing a small urinal. Such a handy addition. I stuck one in the shower room beside the wash table and mirror. It s difficult to know who is happier with it, me or my Bride. Haha. Seriously though, it is handy for a man.

    Gosh Mel— that all sounds wonderful. What a bride you are! Tasty.
    I haven’t thought of snowshoes for donkey’s ears. There is a technique to using them. Do they play snowshoe softball there?
    Them’s some durstboneys you got.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    Melody Mc. likes this.
  11. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    I would play snowshoe softball with my students when the weather warmed up. :) It was a lot of fun. We used a red indoor hockey ball though :) Snowshoe Frisby is also fun. At the school we had a school set of snow shoes that were more like hiking snowshoes, we called them bear paws. I have some similar ones with ice cleats at the toe that you can tilt the ball of your foot into. I prefer my traditional wood and raw hide snow shoes ....until Angus walks so close behind me that he steps on the backs and I face plant. hahaha. He always stays to offer his back to help me up though.
    Sjoerd and Daniel W like this.
  12. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    This is very exciting!! I'm sure you conveyed your needs with the contractor just fine. Your choices of appliances would dictate a lot of that also. We have to do a remodel in a couple of years, and I've been eyeing those tubs. You should consider taking before and after pictures. I never think of it until after. :rolleyes:
    Daniel W likes this.
  13. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    We've had a lot of heavy wet snow the last three days, which meant a lot of snow removal. Decorating the tree was put off until yesterday. I was very glad to get it inside though, before the snow. Angus and I went at dawn and had the most spectacular sunrise reflecting on the creek. I wish I'd had my camera. We both took time for a rest and enjoyed it's brief splendor.

    Hubby insisted on putting the star up ( always his job as I'm height challenged). It was a little more difficult then he thought and he had to rest and ice, so I decorated and he directed spots that needed an ornament. We have a tree full of birds and balls. hahaha. A lot of birds that don't bear much weight fill the branches, as well as a couple of robin's nests with bird ornaments in them. We enjoy it.

    It was another long day of snow removal today, but we still have no where near as much snow as we normally have. It usually isn't this heavy though. It is very wintery scenery though, which I love.

    Christmas tree decorated.jpg
    Sjoerd likes this.
  14. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hiya Mel— I see that you know all about snow fun. Did it also include drinking beer once on base?

    haha— I had to chuckle at your story of how your dogie made you fall. I was astounded that he waited to help up the person that held him in a headlock in the shower. He is very forgiving.

    Nice looking tree, mate.
    Daniel W and Melody Mc. like this.
  15. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Sjoerd, Americans are interesting people. I've remodeled three bathrooms over the years. Each time, I looked into urinals. Not only are they difficult (but not impossible) to find, but people tell me that they don't like the idea at all! What can I say?

    Well, there's still that tree in the back yard (did I just say that? :whistling:).

    @Melody Mc. what a beautiful tree! Really nice! :smt114

    I wonder if one of these would help in future years with the star?

    I have one because sometimes the hens find an impossible-to-reach hiding place to lay eggs. The reacher tool is helpful for that.

    Sometimes I like not having my cellphone (camera) when I see something impressive. Maybe it makes for more living in the moment?
    Sjoerd likes this.

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