The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Friday morning all. Currently just 2°C and overcast. I think the cold may have finally gotten to my annuals ... the zinnia's look a little icy this morning. Not sure what I'm doing today quite yet. I think I need a coffee before I decide. Have a great day all :)
  2. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Friday morning. Another warm and sunny day in SE Texas. Only work until noon today. Then going to check out a Trade/Swap Show. Then a few things I need to pick up on the way home. Mulch is on my list to continue on the flower bed extension.
    Then I'll start gathering the plants for the big sale this weekend. Come on noon!
  3. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    Good morning all. a chilly 38º right now and Im wrapped in my moms fleece cloak (mine is still muddy from the ren faire) because our heater is on the fritz :/ A repairman is coming over sometime today to fix it. Went to work this morning for some computer classes (did I mention Im back at Meijer? Quit back in Feb, but 1 paycheck just wasnt cutting it so Im back on...) and finished in 1.5 hours. Got paid for it though :) So now the rest of my day is free and clear.
  4. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday morning all. Currently just 3°C with strong winds and rain mixed with snow. We have a little bit of everything happening outside, except sunshine of which we have been lacking all week. A horrible day weather wise, so we have decided to head to the mall to look for winter coats and boots. Have a great day all :)

  5. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Saturday morning. Temps right around 50F this morning and warming up to near 80 again. It's kinda hazy from smoke down by the coast from a fire. Not sure I'll get much done in the garden today. I need to do some house cleaning this morning, then go into town and try to secure some vendors for the church's bazaar tomorrow.
    Then head over to the church to help with set up etc for the dance tonight. There's a slight chance of rain for tonight... hope it stays away since the event will be outdoors under the big tent. And now there's a 40% chance of rain on Sunday. Definitely want it to stay away until around 5 or 6 once the bazaar is finished. :fingerscrossed:
    So, I'd better get busy because I still need to gather the plants that I'm taking to the auction and get them all cleaned up and looking presentable.
  6. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Sunday morning. Well... not so happy actually. This may be the first time you ever hear me say this.... "dang it rain.. GO AWAY!" Today is the church's bazaar... the major fundraiser for the year. And it's been raining for the last few hours and supposed to continue for a few hours more. It's a light rain and not a mean old storm... but it will definitely put a damper on the day. I should be getting ready to head over there and set up for the plant sale (which at least will be under the tent), but I'm gonna give it a little more time to see if the rain will quit. Not that it'll hurt the plants any, but now I'm going to have to dry all 90 pots and put newspaper under them to soak up the water so the tables/paperwork doesn't get wet.
    Now... where is my rain coat? :(
  7. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all. Currently 4°C and overcast. We managed to spend most of the day at the mall. Took us over an hour to drive there and most of the day to find a coat for each of the kids. Finally found the last coat when I was about at my wits end at Sears (which I could have ordered from the catalog from the comfort of home.) Drove all the way home to discover they forgot to remove the anti theft device from the coat!! SO ... it looks like I'll be spending 3 hours of my day driving all the way back to the Sears store so they can remove the tag!! When I called the store to complain, the lady on the phone said that they just started putting those devices on the kids clothing so none of the cashiers would have thought to look for one. I am NOT impressed!! If there is any time left after all of this, I hope to get out to the garden and remove a few frosted annuals. Have a great day all :)
  8. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Monday morning all. Currently 5°C and overcast, with strong winds and scattered showers. Ran out of time yesterday so the gardening didn't happen. Today is a busy day too, so I'm not sure I will be able to get out there. I need to at least dig up the dahlia's because weatherman is calling for -2°C tonight. Halloween party at skating tonight, so we baked halloween cupcakes to bring along. Off to tidy the house have a great day all :)
  9. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Monday morning. Sure glad I have today off work... need a day to relax. Sorta. Need to put all my stuff away from the silent auction yesterday... and try to get with 5 people who won plants in the auction, but wasn't there at the end to pick up/pay for their plants.
    We got 1 inch of rain yesterday.. bad timing... but appreciated. It's almost 80F right now and clear beautiful skies.
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Tuesday morning all. Currently -6°C and clear. This is the coldest morning so far and I am glad I got the last of the Dahlia's out yesterday. Rain in the forecast for later so I'd like to get out to the garden first thing this morning. Have a great day all :)
  11. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Tuesday morning. It's warm this morning... in the 70s and it will get up to the mid to upper 80s today. But storms are supposed to move in tomorrow and Thursday.
    I'm already looking forward to the weekend so I can get some stuff planted.
  12. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    Morning all. 43º and cloudy today. The bf went off to work wearing shorts *eyeroll* He's probably wishing he'd worn pants. Poor man got sick last night, he should be keeping himself warm :mad: Not much going on here. Mom and I finally got the downstairs bathroom painted yesterday. I was a mustard yellow and we made it Baby Blanket blue :) Going to be surfing the web and playing WoW until time to go to work at 5.
  13. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Wednesday morning all. Currently 2°C and overcast. Again. I am really missing the sunshine and my regular dose of vit D. Fall cleanup continues. Yesterday I sorted out the kids clothing. Lots of it had been outgrown and was in good condition so I listed it for sale on Facebook. I sold almost everything! I sure love technology! :)
    More clean up today, maybe I'll find more unwanted stuff. Have a great day all :)
  14. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Wednesday morning. I got to the office just in time. It's pitch black outside and the lightning and thunder and rain is just getting here. Bad storms predicted all day through tomorrow. Hope we don't lose power. No fun sitting in the dark at the office.
  15. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Happy Thursday and Happy Halloween!
    It's a soggy one here. My yard got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday. And right now there's another 3 inches... and it's still raining. I'm waiting for some daylight before heading into work just in case the road ditches have overflowed, which is very possible since they were full to the brim yesterday.

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