Thanks Sjoerd, I can use it in soups but not for stir frying or garnishing. Now I don't have to finish up my leeks quickly
Can you really plant then now? Well Hummer, I suppose that you might get away with it where you live because it is much warmer there than our winters. Normally the winter leeks would have already been planted. Oh, I shall be watching your space to see how they develop. ISLANDLIFE--let me know if you were able to get some...and if you were indeed able to find some plantlets, how you intend to proceed.
@Sjoerd - I will let you know if I get some. I did go to the one plant nursery today however the only outdoor plants they had were herbs and a few left over perennials. I have one other thought but I won't get there 'til Friday. Leeks come here in the spring but usually here most of the Garden Centers are seasonal and close by end of summer or early Fall.