Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy (gardening) New Year! (So sorry I haven't been around lately :'( . I haven't forgotten all you fellow Stewies, unfortunately I'm just not well enough to do any gardening or spend much time at my computer. Not to worry, though, in 2012 I'm determined to be back (with a vengeance )
Nollaig Shona Dhaoibh++++++Happy Christmas. Oiche Chiuin+++++Silent Night....Video ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden )
Merry Christmas to all. Just a card to wish you all the very best for the season. You had my wish to you all earlier. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Here's wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL the folks on the Stew and their families.... With Love to ALL, Hank
Merry Christmas Everyone! Just wanted to stop by to wish everyone a safe, peaceful Christmas. I'm looking forward to my first grand child in January, so my tree is filled with baby stuff this year! ( photo / image / picture from muddypaws's Garden ) Merry Christmas!!!! Muddypaws
HO HO HO.... Well there is snow outside i have two xmas puddings cooking and the christmas tree lights just came on so i guess its christmas. Hope everyone has a great holidays and all the best for the new year. just wanted to thank everyone for the help and advice they have freely given this year on the forums. Merry Christmas from the Boys. ( photo / image / picture from Danjensen's Garden ) [/img]
Was there a dog at the manger? Sassy Claus ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) Merry Christmas from Sassy Claus!
Well, It's all over now. It was a very hard holiday for me. I was a bit in a fog most of the time but made it through each day, one by one. My sister has gone home now and we will be back to our normal routine tomorrow. Barb in Pa.