Thinking of Oreti surgery.

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Pacnorwest, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Oreti Yes ice will be your best friend for a few weeks even though it’s winter . Controlling the swelling is 50% of controlling the pain. So when are you gonna be fitted with a more efficient walker? The rollinator four wheel drive with a seat , breaks on the handle bars and a storage pouch for those secret goodies. Chocolate always made me feel better and had a full supply of sugarless type handy .
    Logan, Oreti and Sjoerd like this.
  2. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    We don't use walkers much here @Pacnorwest , there was one to use for the day after my surgery in hospital ,then it was crutches as I went home the following day. Must admit I only use one of them occasionally inside the house. I actually prefer using my Dad's old walking stick....I did when I had both my foot fusions done too. Obviously when outside of the house I will use both crutches for a couple more weeks yet.

    My friend who came yesterday( theatre nurse) gave my knee a quick look over and was surprised at how little swelling I now have.

    Feeling much better in myself now since discovering on Thursday night that I actually got 3 hours sleep:smt026 and it was just under 3 last night......but that's good .:like: too. I'll gratefully except any amount on offer.:sleeping:
    My leg looks nice and straight was before but I know some can develop a bend to their leg if they don't preserve with the full range of exercises....something I'm determined to do.:like:
    So at this point in time ......all is looking...and feeling good. Hope saying this hasn't jinxed things now.:eek::fingerscrossed:

    Have a great weekend everyone.xx
    Logan and Sjoerd like this.
  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oreti— that was such good news to read. You are a real trooper, aren’t you. 'Twas so encouraging to hear of your progress. Good that you take the exercises seriously, you do not want to get a contracture. That would mean more work to correct that.

    Thanks for wishing a good weekend. With a little bit of luck I will be able to get out to the lottie tomorrow. I expect to see more spring bloomers coming up and perhaps some blooms. Who knows.

    Dd you see Monty’s special episode about British gardens last night? I am enjoying this short series.

    BTW— do you have a Viburnum bodnantense growing in your garden? if so, is it blooming already?

    Have a good evening tonight and carry on healing well. Here’s looking at you, kid.
    Pacnorwest and Logan like this.
  4. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    @Oreti good to know that you are doing well, well done.
    Oreti, Pacnorwest and Sjoerd like this.

  5. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Oreti good news to hear your doing so well. Sending lots of get well blessings your way. I hope as each day passes you will find better sleep along the way.
    Oreti and Sjoerd like this.
  6. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Hampshire know how terrible I am with names!! I may have a Viburnum bodnantense ....but equally I may not.:whistling:
    I haven't walked around the garden for almost 2 weeks now so unfortunately I have no idea what has begun blooming . I might attempt to today, there are so many different surfaces to negotiate that I must take my time and go very carefully . We have 3 patio areas around the house , whose steps can be a nightmare at this time year whether you're able footed or not as they can get a bit slippery with moss and algae. The area needs a bit of a clean up sometime soon..…

    No I've not seen Monty's program yet but it's on my ' catch up ' list.:like:

    Thanks once more everyone for your continuing good wishes...their healing vibes are working well.:smt001

    Have an enjoyable Sunday.
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oreti— I know that you can’t get outside just yet..but I thought that your man might know. Their fragrance is wonderful at this time of year. You can check later sometime. Don’t take any chances.

    I hope you get some sun soon. Continued get well wishes.
    Oreti likes this.
  8. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    No sorry @Sjoerd , he's as bad as me with names. He's brilliant at garden related duties ...just not with names. Right pair we are.:D
    He has no sense of smell either so that wouldn't have brought it to his notice. He's been too busy indoors anyway to find time to wander around the garden....housework, laundry shopping, cooking.......and clearing up after our good intentioned but a tad messy eldest son. Bless him he does look quite shattered himself. But he's cared for me brilliantly.. he's my star.:setc_021:
    Pacnorwest and Sjoerd like this.
  9. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Ach well, it’s no’ important, mate. I was just curious.
    How good that your eldest can and has been helping you. What a gem.
    Oreti and Pacnorwest like this.
  10. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    @Oreti I know you have been thru a few tough surgeries and my heart goes out to you. These joint replacement surgeries are exhausting. Of course we are not like the million dollar man where parts are installed with no down time or just out of surgery then running like the wind in succinct hours. Nope … not that it’s unremarkable but it takes guts , bravery and determination to move thru . In the couple I have experienced, I try to encourage others by adopting an attitude as an advocate support system for joint replacement patients.

    Some of the basics Im sure you are aware are the new components installed need time for the bone and tissue to recover and secure the implants. As well as the brain creates new pathways to the retrain brain signals.
    ‘ Neuroplasticity ‘ refers to the brain's ability to reorganize and rewire its neural connections, enabling it to adapt and function in ways that differ from its prior state. While at the same time managing the entire process like a macro computer. Exhausting.

    Walking and gaining strength with confidence will soon come . Not without hard work and determination, which I see you have in spades. I have read you have done all of that and are all to familiar with each of the different stages of recovery. There is a lot of info on u tube that has enlightened many as you have discovered too. It's important understanding each recovery phase as you have experienced in the past . Knowing the process as well as trying to keep healing expectations in perspective. This too knowing from previous experiences is only a short time in life . Soon you will be dancing in your beautiful garden again and in a lot less discomfort with improved mobility .
    Oreti and Sjoerd like this.

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