I have seen little balls of mistletoe growing wild here On the old land, but nobody seems to use it for anything. We don't know the queues for kisses and mistletoe. What's the story on that? I have seen mistletoe once and actually held some. I could never figure out how they made arrows from that stuff to shoot Achilles with. ...and then in the HEEL!?! Well, this is a very good place to learn interesting, new stuff. We have a couple of wreaths up n ow, but not as nice as those from Droopy. Ours are artificial ones that we bought and my bride decorates them with little doo-dads.
OO I like!!! How I wish you were a neighbour of mine Droopy. I really must get my finger out and make a wreath for our own front door especially after seeing the wonderful one you've made.
Thank you. You all live too far away! Sjoerd, have you never heard that if anybody is standing underneath a mistletoe, you're allowed to kiss the person? And you living so close to the English too.