I've never thought to use leftover shingles that way - great idea. They may be heavy, but they would sure do the job. I'm looking at a week of rain here, but you inspire me to go out there anyway and yank weeds.
I've never seen a shingle path before! How does it wear, can you run a wheelbarrow over it ok? Very interesting! The first day of working in the garden always feels so good, until it starts to hurt. LOL
Love the path. Never thought of shingles for a path, great idea and pretty too. I am gonna have to look for the tea too. Sounds like something good!
When I was a kid, my grandfather owned a used car lot near downtown Dallas and instead of having the lot paved with concrete it was cheaper to buy a truck load of shingle strips....the tiny bits cut out to make the 'flaps' of the shingles and the trimmings to make them all the same length...and spread them on the ground. In February of last year when we were putting up my BloomHouse I needed something for the flooring so I wouldn't be standing in mud after rain and shingles were the first thing that came to mind. I bought packages of new shingles from HD, old used ones are replaced because they have become brittle and broken so used ones was not an option. I did a narrower path last October at the back of the garden using shingles