I think that it is an Aconitum, Toni ...but what colour/which one it is, is anyone's guess. A second possibility would be the Ranunculus repens, but to ne it looks more like the Aconitum.
I thought at first it was Ranunculus repens too Sjoerd until I googled and looked at images. I think I'm sticking with my guess of Geranium.
Well, what an interesting turn of events. Now I really do have to pot it up and see what happens. I had the mondo grass in the ground for two years and only two or three of these showed up,I dug up the mondo grass last fall and potted it and only two have shown up since then (one in the pot of Mondo and this one), I am leaning towards the non-invasive side. While they are sitting in pots waiting to show me what they are, I will keep an eye out around the yard for more tho just in case. Thanks everyone, I will definitely let you all know how things end.
You should make it a lottery, Toni...but then you'd need to think-up a prize for the winner. I'm sticking with Aconitum, Netty. This is getting to be fun, eh?
I'm not saying another word about it .How many would like one of toni's mystrey plants.Will be glad to send them to you.You all pay the postage .
Glenda I'm not saying it isn't the bane of your yard but I want to wait to find out for sure. In the three years it has been in my yard, these are the only two out there. When I dug them up this morning there were no running roots, just a nice clump of fine roots and that one in the picture has been growing out there since last fall. So we will see what happens in the next few weeks.
Glenda, I invited them all to come pick mine, so I dotn have to weed it >>LOL I was out doing some today. b
It doesn't have runners. I pulled everyone of of these out of my yard by hand last year, before it seeded. They are back in full force again this year. Good luck Toni, I hope it doesn't overtake your flower beds.
Toni, I went out today and looked and took a picture of the plant I thought I saw in the yard. It is growing all over and this is what it looks like. Is it the same as your plant? I don't know what it is. dooley
Toni, here chimes in the 'expert' Looks like another weed to me. I have them too, coming up all over the yard. You have to dig them and they don't have deep roots. Don't think you really want it!
That thing is looking more and more like a buttercup...hahahaha I have the creepiing sort whose leaves are a bit thicker than these. Oh dear...
I found info on it. In a way everyone was correct. It is a Geranium, Carolina Geranium Geranium carolinianum L. Geraniaceae (Geranium Family) And it is a weed. The recommended ways to eradicate it are hand pulling, hoeing, use of a Herbicide either a preemergence or a postemergence...also fertilizing the area and improving the soil pH.