They certainly don't EJ!!!! I've got 11 shrubs to get in the ground so, fingers crossed, that we both get some good weather soon.
Its mostly overcast here in Dublin , its cold ,its threatening rain . Not a very nice day at all . 8) Bugs
Na Na Na Na Na!!!!!!!! We've got sunshine!!!!! Hope it lasts over the week-end 'cause I'm enjoying getting 'down and dirty' in the garden with Ian.
It's a beautiful day here. I's 64F with just a little breeze. I planted all my pansies, big and little. I have two hanging pots and one big pot on the ground and lots in the step bed under the mulberry tree. Can't plant the apple trees just yet. dooley
Eileen, just hope your garden has a privacy fence and no two story houses near by Today is good gardening weather mid-60's with storms moving our way.
Had a wonderful day in the garden today!!!! Got a lot of new beds cut out but still have more to do over the week-end if the weather holds. I have dirty and broken fingernails. I ache all over and am tired out BUT I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!!! Oh I do soooooo love gardening. Hope the storms have lost their ferocity by the time they reach you Toni.
The rain started about an hour ago, not very heavy at all but steady. That's what we need mostly. Temp is upper 50's so that good too considering this time last week it was in the 90's. So far just a few rumbles thunder in the clouds, so the lightning is cloud to cloud, not ground to cloud so I don't have to disconnect the modem and router yet. Of course, just as I type this the thunder is getting louder.
The forecast for today was 70% chance of something. Brian started work on the greenhouse as nothing was happening. I decided to clear out the garden shed. Getting in the door was starting to be a problem. I had just finished putting things back when it started snowballing. It's not hail or rain or snow. It's little hard snowballs. Brian hurriedly put away the power tools. But, part of the frame is up and the garden shed is usable again. I even stuck the apple trees in the garden shed. They were outside when I bought them but it wasn't snowballing. I don't want any broken branches before I get them planted. Dooley
We had a great day outdoors again today!! It rained until about 9am but then cleared up so we finished cutting out the edges of the lawn to make bigger beds. We've also almost finished work on the mound around the waterfall so hopefully we'll get it planted up before too long. The weather is supposed to remain dry tomorrow so if we're not too achey we'll be back out there with the spades!! 8)
That sounds like my least favorite part of gardening. Work!! But, I like it when it's finished. Dooley
Another nothing kind of day , temps around 8 degrees c. All the daffodils are in full bloom , which is kinda weird as I have earlies middles and lates blooming at the same time . The polyanthus that I showed here around end of January are still in full bloom with lots more buds showing Yet none of my veggie seeds (sown 12 Feb ) have germinated weather forecast is more of the same 8) Bugs