Well, we didn't send the 90F weather to you, we still have it. We could use some of the rain though. I think maybe we'll have drought problems this summer. My poor plants are already wilting. Dooley
Ha!! It rained today. It thundered and there was lightning and it poured down rain. The ground is wet, wet, wet. Until tomorrow. When the sun comes back it will dry everything hard. We went to lunch and it was 86F. When we came out to get in the truck, it was 62F. That was just under an hour. Boy, did I feel cold. I almost turned the heater on in the truck. Sanity preveiled however. Dooley
Rainy wet day in Dublin , the temps have dropped also, the slugs are rampaging through my garden like Father Ted on acid . An unstoppable force meets a movable feast . Beans , Spinach , radishes all gone . The mid wet weather of the last few days and they are a plague Bugs
Yo-yo weather around here..thankfully we have been on the downward trip for a couple of days with low 80's but the yo-yo is beginning it's upward roll now into the 90's for the rest of the week. No rain and none in the two week outlook and May is normally one of our wettest months.
Still hot here... over 80 and occasionally in the 90s three days running now and we're all SO ready for it to change. It's supposed to be hot again tomorrow, but after that it finally cools off to the 70s so I'm expecting a bit of wind to come through. Means lots of sticks to pick up! Went out in the twilight to run the sprinkler on my garden, grapes and irises - poor little thirsty plants...
Gale force winds here. All the blossom is being blown off my trees and the garden looks as though it's covered in pink and white snow!!!
Oh no - your poor blossoms! I hate it when that happens, likewise when all the beautiful fall color is coming out on all the trees and then some windstorm goes and blows them all off before you can properly enjoy them. Well, at least your yard must be very pretty with all the blossom-confetti on it... I'm watching a calm, clear sunrise hitting my trees right now, hardly a branch stirring. Looks so pretty, but gonna be another hot one...
Lovely sunny day here in Dublin , we have some of the wind also . The cherry and apple blossom are everywhere but it looks nice , great gardening day Bugs
99 yesterday, it is already too darn hot outside for me to be out there for long. Will just be watering today.
OK I know I said the garden needed some rain but can someone turn the tap off now please? The ground is soooo wet that I can't get the grass cut and I get soaked every time I try to do any dead heading.
Nice day in Dublin , weather is sunny , I'm fed with all the garden work , so I'm down to the pub for a couple pints of nice creamy Guinness. 8) Bugs
Wet , wet , wet day . The countryfile forecast for the week is rain , rain , rain Ireland England Scotland and Wales . Sorry for the bad news Eileen 8) Bugs
yesterday it was cloudy, windy and cold. It didn't rain here but it poured 10 miles up the road. A bird's nest fell out of a tree. I picked it up and stuck it in a crook in the grapevines under the tree. It doesn't appear that the mother bird came back though. It has three eggs in it. Dooley Oh, beautiful day here today. Dooley