It has rained the last three days here in South Central Texas .Yesterday we got a very good rain .It really gave my plants a good drink
Nice and sunny today, but the temp is already in the 80's. So after the rain and cloudy skies the past few days it will be a scorcher today !!
It was 103F here today. Too sunny. We were actually out walking all over town in it. The annual Mayer Daze was today with parade, barbecue and the library book sale too name a few things. Much more going on of course, including a night dance at the community center. It is still 90 in our kitchen but has cooled down outside. More of same tomorrow. Dooley
Did you get photos of the Mayer Daze parade dooley by any chance? Did Chance do a good job while you were away? Nice and sunny here in Malmö, 15 deg C / 59 deg F. Hope it stays that way throughout the World Cup because they will show all of the games on a big screen in the park
About 75 here, sunny and breezy. Perfect for being outdoors! Alas, I've had guests most of the afternoon and was stuck inside except for a rapid round of weeding I managed to get in. It was very theraputic, yanking those weeds. It's Rose Festival time here in Oregon, so the good weather is a blessing, lots of people in the city this weekend and the Grand Floral Parade (all the floats are made of flowers and plants) is next weekend. May it stay nice! (103! Wow)
Well, at one point today it was 104F. We were out walking around in it again. But, not for long. We didn't sell at the flea market this week but today we went to see how things were doing. Not good, it was too hot. I'm glad we didn't go. Did a little shopping and came back home. It stays cool inside for the most part. Well, cooler. It is 90 in the kitchen but that will cool off later tonight. Dooley
Hi to all Gardenstewers , the weather here in Dublin is the best yet. Temps of around 23 degrees c . I've been very busy lately with all the garden work and more to come , a large patio and shrubberies this week. Its not been all hard work though I was off shark fishing in the Atlantic for a couple of days r and r . The batteries have been recharged and I'm ready for anything . I'm just off to make 2 gallons of Elderflower wine and do some gardening in my own place , 8) Bugs
Hot and dry here. Promises of rain all last week that never came through! Lightening and thunder but no output! All that noise for nothing.
Did Bugs say "wine"??? Send some this way - its miserably hot here in Colorado and a little frightening to be honest. Our "summer" doesn't really start until the end of June, and its hit over 100 F here lately. Scarey to find out what July and Aug are going to be. Thank god I work in air conditioning, I'd be dead by now if I didn't. Bugs... send wine. Send shark marinated in wine (did you do any good??)... send shark... send something cool... pleeeeeaaaasssseee??
It is hot here now in Texas a 91 degres at 12:52 Pm .It will be much hotter later unless we get the thunder stoms we have forecast . The low tonight is to be 69 degrees .Looking farward to it lol.I to am glad of a/c .
It's headed for 100F here today. There is a small breeze. We don't have cooling of any kind except ceiling fans. We've adjusted. Get things done early, don't move too much in afternoon. Siesta time! Dooley
I made the equivalent of 14 bottles of Elderflower wine yesterday and more to come (party of 20000 posts will come up soon ) Regarding the sharks we put them back in the water (carefully ) its called catch and release but we caught plenty of other fish which we brought home . The weather here in Dublin continues as before ie absolutely gorgeous about 22 degrees c. and sunny . 8) Bugs
Oh, gee, let me see what was our weather like today.....99, humid and dry (as in no rain) yet again and none in the foreseeable future. I am no longer watering all plants everyday, just the pots and vegies. Our water bill came yesterday and I have not had the courage to open it yet.