Weird weather 2: adrenaline rush

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by CritterPainter, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    I know, Gaylyn! Every time I start to fret about our weather I hear horrible stories from all across the country and am reminded, we are all getting slammed with one thing or another. How ironic that ski resorts and freeways are succumbing to mudslides here, and other places are struggling with extreme drought conditions.
    Well, it's still dark but I can hear that the rain has stopped. Guess things will be revealed soon when the sun comes up. DD has an appointment at the neurologist, and I have no clue how we will get there; DH had to pick his way through deep, moving water to get home last night. The truck sits higher than our car, we'll see if the ground clearance is enough.
    The rivers and such will continue to rise for a couple of hours. The interstate is expected to be closed for several days again, just like last year. Since the mountain passes are all closed, we are pretty well cut off for a short time. Perhaps all this is why noone but nomadic tribes lived around here up until fairly recently, eh?
  2. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    Just saw a news story that I thought would be interesting to mention here.
    A lady north of here was sitting in her living room and suddenly tipped over backwards. Felt like everything was moving.
    Her neighbor describes it, the hillside she was on just gave way and the whole house slid down to the bottom of the hill. It's truly amazing she survived!
    We managed to get out to DD's appointment, but the little bridge that is the best way out of my area is not only still flooded, there is a minivan stuck up to it's doors in the water. I wonder who among my neighbors (who most likely had a child they were taking to the grade school on the other side of the bridge, it was that time of morning) had to deal with that sad situation.
  3. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Mary I'm so glad I am reading this now instead of yesterday.I keep loosing all my new posts .I'm glad your hubby made it home safe and sound and do hope the weather slows soon.
  4. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I've been reading about it and seeing about it on the internet news. One site said almost 26,000 people were evacuated. If it's not rain and mud, it's snow or fire. The weather is so weird now. Maybe it was weird when I was younger and I just didn't have time to think about it. I do hope you will keep safe at your home and if you have to venture out be careful. Are your animals doing okay with all the rain? Chance doesn't like rain at all and mopes around until it stops. dooley

  5. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    My goats are in a major sulk about the rain. Goats Hate rain! Yes, some entire towns were evacuated, I'd say that 26,000 doesn't include all the folks in very rural areas. I've been trying to check in on friends in the bad zone, other than one older gal I called today, all I'm getting is answering machines...
    OK, now I'm just mad, in my home town people who had to evacuate their homes are checking up on their places only to find that the looters have completely cleaned them out. How low can you get?
    They are advising people to not try to get through running water for several days, many roads are undermined, and you can't tell until it's too late. And whole trees are coming downstream in places. Unbelievable amounts of mud in the water, and the flooding has hit an area near me that's dotted with organic farms, all flooded now.
  6. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    It's just getting worse, isn't it? I hope and wish that your flooding will calm down shortly, CP. Please stay put and don't do anything! And please check in daily, or I'll start worrying about you. Actually, please check in several times per day.

    When we were young, there were probably disasters all over the world, but we didn't have satellites or internet to distribute the films or photos, and the local newspapers probably only reported a bit of what happened. The world is a lot smaller now, thanks to the web and the satellites.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Well, it's good to hear from you CP. I think everyone feels a bit more at ease about you folks when you check-in from time to time...even though some of the news is not so pleasant.
    Take care you guys.
  8. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    How can some people steal from those who have been unfortunate enough to have been evacuated? I really don't understand their mentality one little bit. I wonder how they would feel if they, or a family member, had this done to them!!! :-x
    Keep safe Mary and I sincerely hope that the weather takes a turn for the better very soon.
  9. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    I just don't know eileen
    I'm really wondering about fish 4 all, his town was completely cut off and from what I can tell, he hasn't been on here since the storm hit.
    I just got in, there's a gap in the rain so I was trimming the branches that came down in the snow storm. I think I'll move to Camelot; sunny all day and only rains late at night. Ahhhh.....
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Holy smokes Mary! Please stay safe until all this water recedes!

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