I tell my hubby don't give up on anything till it has become part of the earth again. We have pulled things out and thrown them in the back for fill and gone back there a year later only to see the plant thriving. Of course we retrieved it and still have it. Never give up.... Barb in Pa.
You'd be surprised, it might come out of it They are hard to kill. What do you have to lose? I received a freebie a few years ago when I ordered off of ebay. It came at a really bad time~ things were hectic, we were out of town.... I just took it out of the box, threw it in a bucket of water and forgot it :'( When I finally got the chance to plant it I was really worried, thought I'd killed it for sure. But needless to say it came back and is probably one of my all time favorites!! I don't know the name of it for sure but I think it might be "Deanna's Gift". It is a tall yellow with a sweet light fragrance :-D