In the garden: I still have daffodils and tulips to get in (if this rain ever stops), Cut back the last of the perennials that I leave for the birds and critters, Clean the greenhouse glass, Sow tomatos, aubergines, chillis & peppers in pots in the conservatory and lettuce, salad onion and regular onion and radish in trays in the greenhouse. On the allotment: Plant onion and shallot sets, Dig runner bean trench and fill with chunky compost and shredded paper and card, Finish building the fruit cage, Put pots over the beetroot to force their blanched leaves as a salad crop, Repair all of the wind damage!
EJ, what is chunky compost and card, and what kind of paper do you shred? I will probably say "duh, I knew that." after I get the answer.
I have so much in mind I will never get it all done.I have some that is musts and others I will do my best to get done.Too many ideas and only 2 hands to do it with and a back and legs that don't wont to cooperate with me