What have you done today in the Garden?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by razyrsharpe, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Started dismantling the high tunnels to replace them with one large structure and put these two up elsewhere. went to get greenhouse supplies and plugs for hanging baskets. expensive day.
  2. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Transplanted basil, tomatoes, and peppers. I usually plant two seeds to a cell, thinking at least I'll get one plant per cell, but this time most germinated. Thank heavens I have two gro-lights to accomodate all these little pots!
    Don't have to water the outside seed beds today. So far we've had a half-inch of rain, and another inch is predicted. A good soaking is just what the carrots, spinach, and peas need. Hand watering, no matter how faithful, just isn't the same.
    hummerbum and carolyn like this.
  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Haven't done much out there lately, some days chilly enough to start a bad headache and some days hot enough to start a really bad headache. And today it is raining, has been since late last night and so far there is 1.44 inches in our gauge. First real rain we have had in about 24 days so everything in the yard is loving it.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    took down two high tunnels and pulled almost all the old plastic mulch that we ran out of time to get up in the Fall. I am tired and only functioning on 4 hrs of sleep. fighting the nasty cold that eveyone else had this past week. thanks family for being so generous and sharing!
    hummerbum likes this.

  5. cajuncappy

    cajuncappy In Flower

    Feb 8, 2015
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    It got up to 80F today and I got almost all the grass cut fore it rained. I left peggy a lil patch of clovers standing like a green pillow speckled with white flowers she loved it. She aint a cut flower kinda gal prefers to see them growing so her Valentine flowers didn't need a vace and will be there till I mow again.
    hummerbum and kbsrt410 like this.
  6. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    That patch of clover was so thoughtful of you! So many men don't put thought into Valentine's Day--just some chocolates and cut flowers, year after year. Peggy is a lucky lady!
    hummerbum likes this.
  7. kbsrt410

    kbsrt410 New Seed

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Sussex County, Delaware zone 7a
    Not today but the rest of this week and this weekend is my biggest physical starting point. All of my planning is "generally" done. I'll be off to lowes and other lumber stores for some misshapen and imperfect wood. Planter beds need to be made and the new garden lot needs to get assembled and prepped for planting. Our local weather source is saying our winter is showing to be about done. Most temps are going to stay in the 50's, 60's and 70's over the next few weeks. Horses and dogs are starting to shed and perennials are starting to pop up. I think I'll even make myself happy and start some seeds this weekend :) Happy Hump Day from Southern Delaware everyone!!
    cajuncappy and Frank like this.
  8. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    We picked up some things to start the Hugelkultur...got some corrugated tin to attach to the chain link fence so nothing will fall through and some of the cinder blocks for the other three sides. The place where it will be built already has a stack of pecan and hackberry tree branches that have fallen in the last two years that I need to take the loppers to make shorter pieces, several bags of autumn leaves and there are several pots of old dirt waiting to be added to the pile to make a base. Next weekend more cinder blocks and some bags of soil.

    I don't know if I have to wait a while to plant but I hope not since I have some Tall Mexican Petunias and Obedient plants that are fighting each other and every thing else for supremacy of the front yard that I want to put out there and a good size packet of Borage seeds to scatter there too.
  9. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    I made myself sore and bloody! First I planted turnips and watered all the new beds (sore).
    Then I got the bright idea of pruning the roses (in a pretty high wind). I was doing fine until I got to the Nacagdoches rose, one of my favorites, but a bit thorny. She was whipping around and catching onto my clothing, gloves, and ME! I did get most of the pruning done before I had to come in for a transfusion of white wine.
    The new roses that we planted last fall are doing well, and one is even in bloom! Next week the roses get a boost of compost IF the wind dies down. I dislike wearing compost. . . .
    hummerbum likes this.
  10. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I am gonna need way more cinder blocks for the new bed, we ended up making it longer than originally planned. But I got the ones we bought the other night in position and started filling in the area with sticks, small branches and bags and bags of leaves. Tomorrow I am going to start rounding up old pots of dirt and dumping them in there. And I can get started on digging up part of the north sun bed for the Canna bed and have a place to put the soil that will be displaced.
    hummerbum likes this.
  11. cajuncappy

    cajuncappy In Flower

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Our winter garden is still producing but we ate a hole in ot. So I took a risk and planted some bush beans in the blank spots and some cucs along a couple empty trellises. Got all the garden boxes weeded and weed wacked around them freshened up with compost and up and growing. This weekend the garden is closed its Mardi Gras time!!!!!
    kbsrt410 likes this.
  12. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Nothing today, cloudy, a very slight chance of rain later, only in the 60's and besides that Daytona is about to start and my guy Mikey, being a previous Daytona winner, is racing at Daytona for his last time.
    cajuncappy likes this.
  13. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    I shooed a neighbor's cow out of our garden area. Cows dig! The brown cow who lives next door dug under the barbed wire fence enough to squeeze through and come to our pasture. We were having lunch, and saw her where she shouldn't have been. We notified our neighbor, who spend about a half-hour chasing her. My husband went out to help and between them (humans) got the cow back into her pasture. Meanwhile I was stationed near our vegetable gardens with a towel (white, not red) to wave and keep her from tromping through newly planted areas. I just hope she doesn't tell the other cows what a nice spot she found to visit!
    hummerbum, cajuncappy and Frank like this.
  14. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Our garden is still sleeping under 4" of snow. We won't be doing much outside until in May sometime. Although I will be getting our seed box out and going over what we need for this years veggie garden.
  15. cajuncappy

    cajuncappy In Flower

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Feb has always been fertilizer month for us well this year we were a couple days late but yesterday I punched 123 holes in the yard and put 1 lb of 13-13-13 in each hole. We put it around the drip line of all the trees that give us fruit.

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