What have you done today in the Garden?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by razyrsharpe, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. spector

    spector Seedling

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Any news from the troublesome hive?
    Sjoerd likes this.
  2. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I placed a frame with BRIAS in it from a different colony and will see then if the dames pull a queen cell or not.
    I had done this same thing a few weeks ago and expected there to be some eggs or small larvae by now, but nothing. I did not see a new queen yet so I am not 100% sure if there is one or not.

    There was a new three-day old queen because I placed her in there in a little false queen cell. The end was shaved thin and a small hole was punched in so that the worksters could feed her until she was again free. It all ought to have gone smoothly, as I haver done this before.

    So then, this morning when I looked in there there was no queen that I could find (she had a little blue spot on her back) and the worksters were running nervously back and forth.

    Now then, I have noticed with large colonies that new queens do not immediately begin laying on time...and that is why I have given the colony some BRIAS to make their own queen with. I shall look again in 3-4 days and see if the dames have begun constructing new queen cells or not. Obviously if the queen was hiding today and she is present, the worksters will not begin building new queen cells. On the other hand, if she died on her bridal flight for instance,and is thus not present, they ought to begin construction.
    I am feeling a bit rushed now as I do not want the worksters to begin laying eggs in the cells in the absence of a queen.

    I hope that my writing is clear to you.
  3. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    We too have the Mud Daubers. They do no harm, so they're left alone. Hornets are a different matter. Fortunately we haven't been bothered by them this year.
    I planted Spinach seed, hoping the weather will be cooler and if it grows it won't bolt as the Spring planting did. Beams are almost finished. The tomatoes are still growing. We will probably be eating them into October.
    I enjoyed each post until I read about the Rattlesnake! I daresay I would be reluctant to enter the garden again.
  4. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I think Beekeeping is a marvelous thing. My daddy had bees. WE heard a swarm one hot day and settled them for him. That was his start. Also
    a Brother in law kept bees and sold honey.
    Sjoerd likes this.

  5. spector

    spector Seedling

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Thanks, Sjoerd. Very clear, but what is "BRIAS"? I am looking at splitting my hive next spring, as they are doing very well, and will be three years old by then. But I have to admit the whole idea of a virgin queen makes me nervous. So many things can go wrong in that mating flight! I am tempted to put a purchased queen in and treat the new split like a brand new package.
    Growingpains and Cayuga Morning like this.
  6. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    This bee stuff is completely confusing to me,,but it crossed my mind that if you gave these bees names,, it would make a soap opera worthy of television ! Instead of "Days of our Lives" it could be "Days of our Hives" !
  7. spector

    spector Seedling

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Got an early start on repotting. Everything is growing out of its original homes, and I had a few new plants that just arrived and needed a home. So, sages got repotted, as well as a tarragon and two pileas. Last night, I repotted a pineapple crown that seems to be doing okay. Not a fantastic root system, but definitely growing. Today, I need to consolidate some of my succulents into one pot, as I am tired of having to water them all individually! I also need to repot my Boston fern, and probably take some divisions from it, as it is busting out of its hanging "nest." My hibiscus acetosella seeds sprouted, and I have about half a dozen so far (of 22 planted on 8/16) coming up!! Still nursing a Hass avocado that doesn't know if it wants to live.
    Growingpains and Sjoerd like this.
  8. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    GP--Thanks for your comments. It is so nice of you.

    SPECTOR--BRIAS just means (translated from Dutch) BRood In All Stages. The Letters also fit the Dutch words as luck would have it.
    You shouldn't worry about making new queens. It is something that I do almost every year. It just did not work as it should in this one colony this year.
    There are several ways that you can make two hives from one...and you can make your own queen for the queenless half or buy one and introduce her. Introduction can be a tricky business, but it usually works. Have you ever done this before?
    At any rate, the spring is good time to split your hive. When it comes to splitting hives, there are a few different ways to do that, as you probably know. Have you made a firm plan so far?

    I read that you are thinking of buying a new queen. Does that mean that you plan to keep the old queen? three years old is a long time for a queen, the sisters may well solve this problem for you, by killing her and making queen cells to do this. If this happens before you get around to solving your splitting problem, this will be good for you, and could wind up giving you the opportunity to do the whole procedure yourself, winding up with two colonies and two new queens.

    I shall be interested in hearing what you decide to do and how it all goes for you.

    MART-- what am I going to do with you!! You are such a card.
    Growingpains likes this.
  9. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Harvested the pink blueberries and broccoli as well as a courgette.
    Growingpains likes this.
  10. spector

    spector Seedling

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I sort of figured the hive would replace its old queen when the time came. Hate to kill her after she produced such a great colony, and I would love for her genetics to continue in the existing hive. I have introduced new queens with success, using the cage and candy plug method, but I have never had to pinch a queen.

    This would be my first attempt at splitting a hive. Any suggestions as to how far away from the original hive I should put the split? I am concerned that they would just all head back home if they are too close to their real mom. :)
    Sjoerd and Growingpains like this.
  11. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    As much as I enjoyed all garden posts, Mart gets my vote for best. "Days of Our Hives." Anxiously awaiting first episode!
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Spector...I will talk with you about this, but now I have to leave. Speak with you later, mate.
    Growingpains and spector like this.
  13. spector

    spector Seedling

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Repotted the fern and now have eight plants instead of one. I might need a bigger house.
    Sjoerd and Growingpains like this.
  14. Odif

    Odif Young Pine

    May 2, 2017
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    pyrenees orientales
    Watered what was necessary. I harvested tomatoes, beans, maize, courgettes, rocket, lettuce, physalis, potatoes, cucumbers and some flowers.
    Sjoerd and Growingpains like this.
  15. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Bigger house, Spector? I say bjgger yard!

    Odif, I'm tired just thinking of all that work!
    spector and Sjoerd like this.

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